
Has Gov. Palin's Good Start in Politics Been Hurt By Being an Absentee Mother and Her Vain Bimbo Image ?

by Guest64960  |  earlier

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1) Obama's mother wasn't running for high political office.

2) Palin is a political neophyte who was off to good start. But her family is in crisis and she could declined the VP offer and run again in 2012, 2016, 2020 or 2028. In 2028 she would only by 64.




  1. I'm done batting down straw man arguments with poor spelling and grammar.  Go away.  Let's have some substantive questions.

    Edit: Do you know what a straw man argument is?

  2. only in sick minds like yours.

    whats worse is obama buying his way into politics and his throwing everyone under the bus with his VP pick, mr. warmonger himself, joe biden.

    he voted for the war, and even PUSHED clinton into desert storm.

  3.   I was surprised at McCain's selection but will watch her closely tonight when she takes the stage and has a chance to speak in her behalf.  That bimbo image you refer to may  play well with American voters who are tired of the same old "suit" running for office.   We had this happen in 1999 in Minnesota, two suits running for governor and a wrestler named "Jessie"..   Jessie won..    

  4. Wow! This issue has gotten deeper!

  5. Oh God...I hope so!!!!!!!!!!

    stay tuned for more interesting facts on Mcpains running mate..

    a 17 yr old preggy daughter...get real...........

  6. No. Wow! You Dems must be desperate. You can smell defeat this early.

  7. The only people that see her as a bimbo are fools, this country needs someone like her. I guess people like you think a woman is unable to achieve anything in their life past owning a dog grooming shop.  

  8. No, it will be in the court system for violating the law

  9. Palin is EVERYTHING democrats idealize in a woman except that she doesn;t think like you. Democrats have worked with feminists since the 1960's to help women "progress" in society. Get jobs - good jobs. Obtain administrative and executive positions traditionally held by men. "Don't let te family hold you back any longer", feminists would say. Democrats have forever lobbied for government subsidized day care in the workplace.


    And the thing about her 17 Year old Pregnant daughter... Do all you well-informed democrats realize that Obama's mother was pregnant with him at 17 and unmarried???????

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