
Has Gov. Sarah Palin said anything about immigration issues?

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Has Gov. Sarah Palin said anything about immigration issues?




  1. who in their right minds would go to alaska to immigrate

  2. I would assume she favors reasonable and responsible immigration however I'm curious about her illegal alien position.  

  3. Not yet ~ and probably wont. Like every other candidate this year - they close their eyes to the problem. That way the Latino vote is up for grabs....

  4. To date she hasn't given a stance on it.

  5. It is most likely not an issue to her being that she is from alaska. She will need to focus on the problem if she wants my support. Regardless I'm voting for McCain.

  6. There aren't too many people migrating to Alaska.

  7. No stance on illegal immigration, but Anchorage and Fairbanks openly call themselves "Sanctuary" cities.  The governer has never expressed opposition to that.  

    Others answer "Why would anyone immigrate to Alaska?"  The issue isn't immigration - it's illegal immigration.  If companies in Alaska decided to import cheap, illegal labor, it would devestate the small job market for Alaska's legal citizens.  In fact, sparsely populated states such as Alaska are much more susceptible to the effects of illegal immigration.

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