
Has Gustav stolen McCain's thunder?

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It seems Hurrican Gustav has stolen McCain's thunder and will steal the attention of some of his campaign speakers including Bush; what say you ?




  1. they will postpone if necessary

    the Thunder started yesterday with the nomination

    of a person who has actually led for more then obama's 143 days

    a person who is intelligent and proactive and willing to

    work for something other then her own personal gain (obama)

    obama ought to change his name to kennedy

    or kennedy obama

    that would be the icing on the cake

    Sarah Plain outclasses his Majesty by a long shot

    Biden is still at home writing speeches  LOL

    McCain's choice continues to win accolades as the Main Stream Media    - I'm sure plans

    their first attacks on her

    you just know - the in the bed with obama  media will do everything they can to destroy her

    obama is totally ruthless   and his staff is also in the gutter

    obama pretends he is not prejudice

  2. they are all , all wet

  3. Not yet. Hurricanes seldom have thunder. In any case, he'll be in the twin cities while Gustav is plummeting New Orleans again, so they'll both get plenty of coverage. A dream come true for the media.

  4. No. 38 million people watched Obamas' speech on Thursday and by Friday night it was barely mentioned. McCain completely one upped the Obama camp and that isn't going to go away. You're wishful thinking if you think that.

  5. What is Gustav? A bunch of hot air swilling around destroying things...sound a lot the the Republican convention anyway, doesn't it?

  6. hey, the country is more important.

    Mccain is even going to cancel the convention next week now so the hurricane can be top priority.

    would obama do that? h**l no!!!

  7. I agree! Hurricane Gustav is more important anyways

  8. Not really.

    The Tv is talking about two things:Sarah Palin and Gustav.

    People are not talking about Gustav on blogs and forums or Yahoo answers they are talking about Sarah Palin.

  9. yup, God is great!

    we shall pray for those that are caught in the storm though

  10. I think it is a punishment from G*d. The right wing evangelicals were praying for rain in Denver during Obama's acceptance speech and now Gustav is threatening to interrupt their convention.  

  11. I believe they may be postponing the convention.  President Bush needs to be on hand for Gustav emergencies.  He won't be speaking at a convention for sure. Bush don't want to blamed for intentionally blowing up the levy's again.  If Bush speaks at the convention while Gustav is in full swing, they would accuse him of fiddling while Rome burns and calling him Nero.

  12. Yes! Did you hear that LSU's football team had to reschedule their game?!

  13. Wait until we have another mess like Katrina for Bush to s***w up.

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