
Has Harbhajan intimidated Hayden and Symonds with this slap?

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Is he sending a message across?




  1. Are you serious? Hayden and Symonds could grind harbajhan into a fine powder if they wanted to. Anybody who thinks those two are intimidated by him are totally delusional.

  2. no

  3. Hey just forget this incident buddy!

  4. Yes he is sending the message to everyone that he is IDIOT #1.

  5. Bhajji by his act of slapping Sree has proved that he is indisciplined and uncivilised!

  6. No what ever happen it was Between Sreesant and Harbhajan. there was no across message. especially not to them  for sure.

  7. that is silly if he tried that one on hayden or simmo they would pulverise the obnoxious little weed

  8. not bloody likely considering that Singh is built like a toothpick compared to the other 2 not to mention the fact that he is a coward wouldnt take on anyone that isnt his size of smaller

  9. I agree with Hitman

    Good answer

  10. Rather than intimidate others, Harbhajan has just put himself in the international firing line. Anyone who attacks  a fellow countryman (even if just a slap) shows he has real issues and  is a liability and a time bomb just waiting to explode. And the sooner the better for Cricket all around including Indian Cricket.

  11. c'mon dont bring the aussies into this, they are tough and can't be intimidated..  but yeah bhajji is sending a message that he can only fight someone younger and weaker...  what a bummer..

  12. no.........coz if he's planning to send ne message then he shld also be looking forward to lyf time ban for sure!!

    so for sure it's a NO!!

  13. YES. Harbhajan 1

    Hayden and Symonds 0

    I think they r really scared of the Indian tough men now.

  14. now, they should cme 2 know that if1 sardar =4 engilsh player harbhajan= hayden, andrew,ricky,and adam all of them r wrong against i think they should cme to know that  dont take panga with indans.

  15. Definitely, now Bret Lee is leaving the IPL because of it.

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