
Has Hillary lost the race?

by  |  earlier

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Iam not sure if its true or not but i heard on tv that she lost? Is that the turth?




  1. Yes.  It's over.  Obama is the Democratic nominee.

  2. Yes ... Any way I don't think that with just nice smiles she would be a great president.

    Now It is a good opportunity to try somebody different like Obama, instead of the same old man.

  3. If you believe the Mass Media and the DNC then yes she has. IF you follow US Law and require the legally scheduled elections in the states of Florida an Michigan. then HRC is clearly the winner.

    The decision to  seat the legally elected delegates to the convention and only allow them 1/2 a vote violates at least 3 Federal laws and probably a dozen state laws. There is a petition circulating in MI to ban all Democratic candidates from all Ballots in MI for 10 years. I heard that there is one for  Florida that is not quite so drastic. Should this fly then there will really be a showdown before the supreme court.

  4. No she accomplished her goal, to prevent Obama from winning the national election due to a divided Democratic party.

  5. yes she has lost

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