
Has IRAN ever invaded a country?

by Guest61328  |  earlier

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A friend said IRAN is an invader country... But I said : "I have never seen or heard that. There is no evidence"

But I think USA is ;;;;


They kill people for nothing but call others terrorists and when we ask them why ? they think that they are heroes and they are saving the world ...

Can you help me to know if Irainian people have ever invaded any country?




  1. You never heard of the Persian empire?

    And yes, we found warehouses of dead from the Iranian invasion of Iraq when we went in.

    They had used chemical warfare.

    Mind you, I support Ron Paul, so I think we share some part of your opinion.

  2. You have to go back in history to the Persian Empire. When they were the dominant power in the world they used that power just as every other world power did and will continue to do.

  3. In modern times that have not invaded or attacked any country.  You would have to go back to biblical times and that is more than 2,000 years ago.

    The above link will give you a time line of the history of Iran and in ancient times known as Persia.  In the article you will see that they have not invaded any country or attacked any country in literally hundreds and hundreds of years.

    They have been more peaceful than the United States has been.  

    They fought a war in the 1980's due to the fact that the United States gave Iraq a lot of weapons to attack Iran so Iran fought a defensive war for a few years against Iraq.  Iran did not I repeat did not attack first but was protecting it's border.

    Under George Bush The USA has behaved in a very aggressive way and has attacked other nations without cause.  The USA attacked Afghanistan and then Iraq and has caused untold suffering for the people in those two countries and those countries did nothing to warrant an attack.  

    The USA committed the same actions that the Nuremberg trials condemned Germany for attacking countries and invading countries without provocation during WW2.

  4. No. They have no interest in doing that. But now they have to arm themselves to protect against the threat from israel and the US.

  5. Iran has a long history of aggression.. in  the 70's they attempted foment rebellion in Iraq and made preperations to invade Iraq.. they were beat to the punch by Iraq though and a bloody filled war ensued for 8 years (beginning in 1980)

    More recently: 2007

    Iranian Revolutionary Guards have invaded and seized almost all meaningful control of the strategic Masandam Peninsula in Oman - a peninsula that covers the Southern mouth of the Straight of Hormuz. Controling this peninsula solidifies Irans complete control of the straight. The North chokepoint has long been Irans; the South chokepoint has long been Omans. They are now both Irans.

    And Oman, terrified of the direct confrontation with Iran that our military has planned and suggested, has decided to do nothing.

    not sure where you are going with your question.. Some try to paint Iran as a quiet peace loving country that has no plans for taking over any country.. all one needs do is listen to thier leadership call for the complete destruction of Isreal, USA and any other country that aligns itself with Isreal.

    As far as Vietnam goes you probably need to do a little history reading. Same with Afghanistan.. Taliban was the government in control.. they harbored, aided and approved Al Queida attack on USA.. this makes them a perfectly legitimate target for retaliation including sending troops.

    Iraq: hmmmm. That one is lost on me. No weapons of mass destruction found.... shouldn't have invaded.. once we did better stick with it until its done.

  6. Not yet .

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