
Has Jeff Gordon found favor with the masses?

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By getting married? Becoming a father? or my inside favorite

Losing races and acting human?




  1. Gordon will never find favor here, neither will Kyle Busch. Far as I'm concerned, they're both little crybabies, even when they're winning.

  2. I agree with big rick.... There's someone named Kyle Busch at the top of everyones $hit list right now. They don't all of the sudden like him, it's just there's another target of their hate and negativity.

  3. I frankly think its the semi-perverted joy of watching Gordon struggle for once in his career. My wife and I sat in the stands at Texas and watched in horror as he blew a tire and slammed into the wall coming off of 4 going onto the front straight right below us, "Fans" stood up and cheered the wreck, he didn't climb right out, they were just happy he was wrecked, s***w-im if he was hurt. I was ashamed to be a Texan or a NASCAR fan. I am not a Busch fan but I appreciate his antics for what they are, starting his own rumor about testing F-1, the infamous bow(beats h**l out of a back-flip) but I don't wish him or any others harm or for that matter bad luck.

  4. I think his carrer is moving the path of most Nascar young stars.  Waltrip & Earnhardt  Sr. we booed and hated just as much as Gordon is/ was.  Now they are fan favorites.  I beleive Gordon will become just like them over time.

    Plus people are moving their hatred to Kyle Bush.

  5. Everybody likes Gordon they just wanna not like him because he is the best and he will beat Earndharts record of 7 titles

  6. no he is still a pretty boy and noone likes him!

  7. I still don't like him but his baby is adorable.  But if you listen to him he has changed.  He has a wonderful wife and baby maybe he is changing?

  8. Maybe,but I have always liked him .

  9. I don't think that has anything to do with it. Most his haters were Jr fans, well Jr showed us by joining forces and I don't think he's liked anymore than before just more tolerated.

  10. I think he is less aggressive on the track and makes an effort to sign autographs and stay in touch with his fans. He gained some support too when Brooke divorced him and tried to get more than she was entitled to in the divorce. I am not a Jeff Gordon fan but I admire him as one of the greatest drivers of all time in NASCAR.

  11. People have someone else to dislike now, like Kyle Busch and Juan Montoya.


  13. I think that he's moving on in life people can relate to him more. I almost feel sorry for him. It's strange what motivates peoples feelings towards another. But I understand the message your trying to convey.

  14. Yes and part of it is because he isn't winning as much as before.

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