
Has John Edwards become a HERO in Liberal America?

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  1. h**l, no. I can't stand him for what he did to his wife and children. Too bad you Reps don't hold the same "family values"

  2. No he fell from grace in my eyes. I would bet that half of all politicians have affairs. He just got caught.

  3. Probably. BJ Bill Clinton's popularity actually increased after the Monica scandal. Democrats love perverts and dictators.

    Can you believe the scum bag actually said his wife's cancer was in remission while he was banging that campaign w*** if that makes it ok....Democrats are morally bankrupt.

  4. Committing adultery that does not end in divorce is a rite of passage for leaders of the Democrat Party.  He's achieved a new level of respect.

  5. John Edwards was never a hero in liberal America! People with brains knows that he just the usual politician trying to get votes just like when a "conservative" politician tries to get votes.


  6. He was,is and always will be scum. Peace

  7. Wow, Conservatives get a big hissy fit when i mention Larry Craig, STILL a senator.

  8. He's a zero.

    I never trusted him and I'm liberal.

  9. at least he is keeping his s*x within the liberal guidelines, by making sure it is with a woman.  

  10. not anymore

  11. Gosh, considering Gingrich and many others in the Republican Party, it would seem he'd be a hero of yours too.

    You might want to look up the meaning of "hypocrit" in the dictionary -- you'll note your picture there.

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