
Has John McCain sold the environment down the river?

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I used to be into John McCain in that he is big into family values and used to be an environmentalists. But now he seems to have done a 180 on the environment with his talk of nuclear energy, oil drilling, and big corporate tax breaks.

This is unfortunate because Obama is equally messed up when it comes to family values.

This is a link to John McCain giving a speech about the safety of oil drilling out to sea whilst at the same time a massive oil spill on the Mississippi was occuring.




  1. "you may chase nature out with a pitch fork, yet she will always come running back."


  2. Let me ask you a question: What are your solutions to the current and ongoing energy crisis? You and many others are quick to criricize any and all attempts to free this country from the grip of foreign oil... but never seem to be able to offer any solutions. AND what does a speech made by McCain about the safty of oil drilling have to do with a collision between a tug with a tanker on the Mississippi river?

    Come on... let's hear what your solutions are.

  3. What's the problem with utilizing this great green earth?

    It always has a way of replenishing itself..

    Are you an environmentalist?

    Next, do you believe in God or Darwin?

    If you believe in Darwin that dismisses all theories.

    You can't try to save the earth when you believe in evolution.....That's called change and survival of the fittest.

    Make up your mind.

    You can't have it both ways........

    Burger King

  4. Just an interesting note, since Bush announced the lifting of Executive ban on off shore drilling the price of oil has dropped $20 a barrel, even if we never do actually do any drilling off shore, the threat of it has caused the price to drop.

    The last polls show that 60% of American voters are in favor of off shore drilling.

    As long as both sides are in disagreement about it, and it keeps the price of oil coming down, then let them fight.

    you do know that Congress is so against it that they will not even allow discussion of it on the floor?

    one Congresswoman even went so far to say, they want to keep the price of oil up, to force expansion of alternative energy.

    There is an old saying,"necessity is the mother of invention" and in this case that seems to be true, we have the technology, and we have the ability to develop better technology, but until our comfort zone is taken away we are lax in getting off from our butts and doing something.

  5. All candidates in the end will follow the same course ,irrespective of what their individual campaign strategies will be

    Because behind the scenes the US and everything else leadership has not changed for many centuries.

    John McCain is merely a player of the same stable as all other candidates,

    the elections are games to give people the false impression that the public has some sort of control

    The Environment is not on the general Agenda ,

    and neither is the happiness and well being of the masses

    World control and depopulation are.

    the Bilderbergers used to talk about a decrease of the world population by 60% ,this has now become more than  80%.

    In Mexico we now have big changes happening, at very high levels,that are changing politics all the way down the line .

    Municipal presidents are changing political parties.

    senators about to be appointed are replaced by unknown senators from different parties

    great shifts in power are taking place .

    (this has affected me personally,with some private projects with local politicians ,who are now gone from power)

    And all to bring the merger of the US,Canada,Brazil and Mexico closer,

    Just like the E:U.the Americas are about to become a strong interconnected political package welded with business and commerce ,

    Salinas is both sides of the Mexican border cementing big business relationships


    It was decided at The last Bilderberg Meeting that commerce should take precedence over war ,and it is happening

    when all the world unions are in place ,in Asia ,Africa ,the Americas and the E:U will come together as one ,and before we realize it we will be under a world control.

    Obama ,Clinton . McCain who ever happens to end up as leader ,will have to follow this course or end up dead

    As other leaders did who went astray

    A documentary to watch is called End Game

    Conspiracy theories are labeled so by the conspirators .

    the evidences in action are overwhelming,and always have been for those who had their eyes open.

  6. Accidents happen.

    Do you want to go back the the stone age!!

    Energy is the base for the world economy.

    This is the United States. The world has to have energy to grow. The US technology can extract energy safer than any other country can.

  7. The environment was bought, sold, and packaged years ago. It's tough to find a common citizen that gives a d**n about the earth, no politician will care. I don't think hillary, obama, or mccain would do anything except bow to these corporate lobbyists.

    THAT'S who owns this country. when ExxonMobil cares about the environment, then the candidates will

  8. Hope so!

  9. yeah, they both have a problem.

    that is, to get the nomination, both had to cater to the more radical elements of their respective parties.

    one would hope, once in office, no matter which it is, that some semblance of sanity will return.

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