
Has Kobe been under performing in the Olympics?

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  1. Yes, he is. He is really off with his shots. When I play with a team that doesn't pass the ball to me, all I can do is play defense and I take shots thinking this might be the last time I get the ball. so maybe that is how Kobe is feeling. But still, he is taking so many unnecessary 3's.

    Chris Paul is quiet too. In my opinion [ I emphasize the word opinion when saying this], Chris Paul is the second best player in the NBA and he isn't really doing so good. Because LeBron is acting like a PG [Without the passing. I have no idea where he gets his assists]

    So, maybe this is just how Kobe and CP3 play for this team. But when Team USA is struggling, expect Kobe to take over the game. I doubt Team USA will meet such a team.

  2. Kobe has a new approach to basketball which seems to be if I score then we will lose but if I pass up shots I should take then we will definately win because I am being a team player. Lol. I don't know what's up with that guy. It's like the concept of scoring at a steady pace and keeping team mates in the game overwhealms him.

  3. he is ... since the Finals

  4. I think he's just taking the foot off the gas a bit. Its true he hasn't been shooting well, but he doesn't need to. Its not like with the Lakers where has has to score 25+ for them to win. He moves the ball more and lets Wade and LeBron do the heavy lifting. He is still the third leading scorer and he dropped 25 against Australia today.

  5. He is just sharing the ball around and letting Bron and Wade do the scoring.

  6. A big NO!.... Actually he has improved in the Olympics!.... He scores less because he is not ball hogging any more!.... He is passing more to help LBJ, D-Wade and Bosh score!... A great example for a team captain!.....

  7. NO....first of all he's playing d which he doesnt do as well as he does in international play on this superstacked team.....second he doesnt have to be the super star that everyone wants him to be on this team....look who he's playing with....plenty people are asking this question, but they have to realize who he's playing with....if he played with howard lebron and the nba would he be under performing.....How could you?  only way he can...and the only way he could in the olypics would be if he/team lost!!!!!!!

  8. Yes he just can't get it going with taking like 2-3 shot quarter .. Plus you have to remember that Kobe used to making shots for himself or his team mates so w/o handling the ball and catch in shoot situation .. he just can't get it going on offensive end

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