
Has MMA fighting killed traditional boxing for or in the eyes of today's society?

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Growing up my friends and I always looked foward to seeing a good heavy weight fight (boxing) but now it seems secound class to a ufc or elite xe fight. Have the promoters of boxing just gave up? Can boxing ever be what it once was? I wonder how the turn out for a boxing match compairs to that of a mma event.




  1. I personally do not like MMA I prefer Boxing. MMA doesn't last long and its like caged animals. Boxing all the way.

  2. I don't think that MMA has killed boxing.  I think what has killed boxing is the other sports.  The NFL and NBA have a lot of athelets that would have been good boxers.  MMA is garnering its own fans, but true boxing fans don't like it.  Americans have lost interest in boxing because the heavyweight champ is not american.  Sounds fickle but a lot of people don't like that.

  3. My wife and I were channel surfing.  I stopped on a MMA fight on Spike.  Two white dudes with tattoos were duking it out.  They were actually fighting, using kicks and punches and blocking and lateral movement.  So right when I was thinking "This isn't so bad", it happened...the fight got very creepy weird very fast.  One of the combatants did a move I've only seen performed by horny housewives that haven't seen their husband for 6 months.  He literally jumped into the air, spread out both his legs and arms, then wrapped both around his opponent.  He locked his legs around the other guy's crotch and his arms around the other guy's upperbody, pulling him down into what is known in the hetero world as "missionary position".  The dude on top tried to break the missionary position with repeated pelvic thrusts in attempt to break the leglock.  At this point, both my wife and I are laughing our collective butts off.  The only thing missing was candlelight and soft jazz music.  

    The point is, MMA is a fad, and in time will be considered silly.  Just like everyone thought Vanilla Ice was cool, MMA will be relegated to a side-show over time.

  4. Not at all. The only thing the two sports have i common is that it is a combat sport.

    It is like comparing American Football to Rugby.

    People need to realise that they dont have to choose a side, enjoy both.

    For years your average boxing fan must have been aware that people have been practicing martial arts for years.....the only thing that has changed is that now top-level martial artists now have a professional platform to test themselves.....MMA.

  5. boxing is far from dead and will still be current when mma meets its plateu i am a fan of both and never miss a ppv event involving eather boxing is like rock in roll when it started it was hip cool and your parents didnt like it but now its for the older crowd although some younger fans appreciate it on the other hand mma is sorta like rap its newer its not suppose to last and its just a fad but we know how that has turned out. boxing will be dead the day boxers dont make multi millions for there fights there has been less million dollar pay offs for mma fighters then there has been 10 million dollar pay offs for boxing boxing will never die get over it


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