
Has MSNBC's Chris Matthews been drinking?

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anyone else watching him?

"I'll wrap in a second I'll wrap in a second"




  1. chris mathews spends all day int the bathroom with  picture's of barak hussein obama for "alone time"

  2. yes ,double appletinis........

    what a mans man.....

  3. Kweif Olberman was touching him under the table.

  4. He has been known to do so.

  5. He's been on the wagon for years.  I do not think so.  I just think he's got a chill running down his leg again.

  6. He has been playing the :"Chris Matthews Drinking Game."

    From MWO:

    In order to make watching Hardball more palatable, viewers are encouraged to imbibe to Matthews' words and actions during the show. Chris says "Let's Play Hardball." (Sip.) Chris interrupts a Democrat. (Sip till he stops.) Chris mentions Churchhill (Three sips.) Nobody mentions Bill or Hillary Clinton for nine minutes (Down half a bottle.)

    Chris whores for Bush. (Sip till he stops.) Chris drools. (Sip.) Chris brings up--for absolutely no reason--the fact that he is Catholic. (Make Sign of the Cross; sip.) If all goes according to script, the game culminates in Chris saying "sublime masculinity" (a phrase Matthews apparently used repeatedly in reference to Al Gore after his concession), at which point viewers are instructed to crush the bottle or glass in their bare hands.

  7. Matthews is drinking probably cause he knows Barack will not dump Michelle Obama for him.  MSDNC is a joke of a channel.

  8. You would too if you had a tingly feeling run up your leg every time you saw Obama.

  9. he seems testy tonight. i think buchanan pushed his button. buchanan, usually sane, is saying some bizarre things tonight.  

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