
Has Mc cain forgot he voted for violence against the nation of Iraq?read his words.?

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McCain said Moscow is using "violence against Georgia to send a signal" to "any country that chooses to associate with the West." Russian leaders, he said, must realize they risk "the benefits they enjoy from being part of the civilized world."

Mr Mc cain wasnt Iraq associated with the US against Iran and Iraq was benefing the civilized life ...These show that age is a factor when becoming a president, Mc cain is suffering memory loss, the Iraq occuppation is not in his mind the invasion of afghanistan is not in his mind and the 100 years he wants to oppress the Iraqi with US occuppation has some how magically got out of his memory. Vote no for candidates with Alzheimer and Mc cain is one .




  1. Mc Cain has not forgotten that he voted for the war in Iraq. He admits it. According to my cousin fighting in Iraq the people of Iraq have not forgotten either they thank him for it. They are glad to be rid of their former leader. I understand your dissatisfaction with the War in Iraq. I think that the first Bush should have taken care of it when the first Gulf War happened. As for staying 100 years we won't be their longer than what the Iraq people want.


  3. Don't target just McCain. All the politicains are lying sacks of sh*t. Even Obama has been caught in flip-flops. By defenition, politicians will say whatever they think will benefit them in an election. All the candidates that oposed the war (except Ron Paul) voted for it, multiple times. The only reason Obama did not vote for the Iraq war was because he was not in the Senate yet. All the politicians saw support for the war in Iraq as a good political move in 2003, so they voted for it. That simple. Regardless of whether or not they believed the war was just, they saw it a good way to get votes, so they voted in favor.

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