
Has McCain's VP choice scared the bejesus out of Democrats and Independents?

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So much so that all Obama-doubters and Hillary-champions are going to come out in their zillions to keep Calamity Jane as far from power as possible?

BTW, doesn't OLD Johnny have a weakness for bimbos?




  1. I don't get this

    Repubs. just took away their own biggest weapon.

    McCain and his party have been screaming from the rooftop about experience, now he hand picks the least experienced person on his short list

    Looks like he had 2 requirements, female and pro-life

  2. One of the news shows said it best this morning. McCain just shut himself up. His last two weeks of ads have been constantly talking about the fact that Obama has no experience. How do you follow that with a nomination of someone who was mayor of a town of 10,000, and then governor of a state of 600,000. AND this is the person who is a heartbeat away from the presidency. Lots of experience, huh?

    Thinks this will get the Hillary votes?  I THINK NOT!!!!!!!!

  3. Yes.

    Talk about grasping for straws, the bizarre logic of Begala and Carville that Palin's not ready to be VP but less experienced Obama can be POTUS.

    And how about the unprofessional, blatant bias attacks by the CNN crew towards Palin. Cambell Brown needs to take a chill pill, Cafferty needs to make nice with the Eskimoes and the look of terror on D. Gergen's face was absolutely priceless.

    Hopefully now it will boil down to real issues.

  4. looks like it

  5. John S is a punk, troll! He is closed minded and wishes he was Rush Limbaugh's house boy. LOL

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