
Has McCain's choosing a woman VP hurt Obama's chances?

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I really hope not... But you know how bias the American public can be..




  1. You must be part of the bias public you speak of.

    If you can't handle the heat, get out of the kitchen.

  2. i certainly hope the women of this country know when they are being patronized. if not i'll give them a hint... mccain picks a completely irrelevant politician other than the fact she is a woman. also known as patronization.  

  3. McCains always talking about putting America first, then why did he not pick Romney or somebody else with strong foreign policy experience. This shows he is putting himself first. It will hurt him because he has opened a door for people to question his judgment.

  4. Of course not... she's just not VP material.

  5. Nope.  She may attract a few Evangelicals, but will probably scare away the moderates.  

  6. You bet it has. America already has a problem with his marxist ideals

  7. It has killed Obama's choices.

    Alot of Obama supporters have said they don't need the Hillary supporters to win.

    You had better hope you are right......

    McCain/Palin '08

    Hillary Clinton '12

  8. It might have if he would have picked a women with the right resume.

  9. I really hope so!!! Not a huge McCain supporter, but hey he's the lesser of the two evils.

    McCain '08

  10. you're kidding, right? republicans love her.

    you can tell how desparate the libs are by the vulgar hatred they have for her.

  11. No it actually helped him! McCain lost a lot of supporters because of this one move, simply because it kills his biggest attack against Obama "Lack of Experience"

  12. The most recent Gallup poll has him up 8 points. Nope.

  13. No, those who have the same ideals as one side do not have the same as the other side.

  14. Yeah, It really sucks though.

    25% of Hillary supporters were going to vote for McCain anyway. Now that percentage is gonna skyrocket.

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