
Has McCain's decisions made him now unacceptable to environmentalists?

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He no longer supports the bill he himself wrote on global warming. He picked Palin, who is about as far from an environmentalist as it gets.




  1. I doubt he was acceptable to them before. I can tell you this. When I first found out it was gogin to be Obama vs. McCain I was excited. I figured there was no way the country could go wrong with either choice. But McCains disturbing and unexplained abandonment of his past principles for the hard-core republican line has really turned me off towards him. Now he recklessly nominates a candidate for his VP that has less experience than Obama (who we are told isn't up to the task) all after only meeting with her twice.... I think he may have lost it... Either that or it's clear he will not be in control when he enters the white house. Whoever is feeding him his current policy positions will be....

  2. youre right..but repubs dont care theyll vote for anybody

  3. I agree, McCain wants to protect the environment, but more importantly, protect humans, since, believe it or not, protecting one's species is natural.

    Environmentalists are idiots.  They rather protect plants and scenic beauty then make their lives easier and better.

  4. She wants to open up the ANWR for oil drilling, there's no way.

  5. McCain was to help save the environment but his choice of VP shows that he might change his mind just like everything else he as said.

    So no, I'm not sure where McCain stand on this issue.

  6. McCain believes in protecting the environment but not at the expense of human welfare...

  7. I don't know that environmentalists supported him in the first place, but if any did I sure hope his VP choice changed their mind.  

    Anyone reading this- PLEASE DON'T VOTE MCCAIN IN NOVEMBER.

  8. That is not true Bob. Palin lives in Alaska because she loves the Alaskan wilderness.

    It's called CONSERVATION for a reason.

  9. no

  10. Palin has consistenly come out against the environment even though her home state is hit hardest by global climate change. McCain's not any better and his pick of Palin essentially approves her stance on these issues

  11. He was never acceptable to environmentalists anyhow.

  12. Are you aware that humans are unacceptable to environmentalists?

    I don't listen to them since, as far as I can tell, they want us all dead.

  13. Major Flip Flop - another Republican McCain  pandering hypocrisy.

  14. Nope! Not in the slightest!

    McCain\Palin 08!

    NOBama 08!

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