
Has McCain given away the presidency?

by Guest34101  |  earlier

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No knock on the choice personally,but this can not happen again.W. Bush is a moron,and the vice presidential candidate might as well be one.The republicans make him change this choice.




  1. I don't think you know what you are talking about.  

    "The republicans make him change this choice"?

  2. McCain has cliched the election in November with the selection of Palin as his running mate. What? You have a problem with her color or her gender?

  3. No; he just won it.

  4. It would seem that way, but you never know.  After all, we all voted Bush in for 8 darn years, didn't we.  So who knows?  America seems to get stupider and stupider as time goes on...

  5. No he just won it. He is offering change, Obama talks about change but is offering the same old stuff.

  6. I think this pick just won the presidency for him.

  7. Yes because women won't vote for him just because of his VP pick.  Obama has fresh ideas and will get things done meanwhile McCain is a clone of George W. Bush.  

  8. i think he did... were just scratching the surface of his VP choice... i have a feeling theres more to her story... guess we will wait and see.

  9. no, most rational people believe he just sealed the deal.

  10. More like just sealed it. I'm wondering what they are going to talk about at the RNC because he already has this thing locked up.

  11. conservatives are rejoicing.

    and liberals are still gasping for air and are just on the attack attack attack

    how sad.

  12. I doubt it.  American´s don´t want the #1 and #3 liberals in office.

  13. Won it?

    explain to me how he just won it.

    He just gave it away to me.

    Obama 08

  14. This is a travesty.  I haven't seen anything like this in 30 years or more of following politics.  McCain just showed everyone he puts himself first before country.

    What a TERRIBLE choice.  God, I wish he picked Romney.

    Here's another 21 reasons why this is horrifying:

  15. typical democrat...has no idea what hes saying

  16. I think so.  It is such obvious pandering that it is insulting.  I was never going to vote for him, but I know some people that were that will be voting for Obama now.

  17. Of course.  His whole message has been Obama is too young and inexperienced to lead.  Then he picks someone younger and far less experienced than Obama to be a heartbeat away from the presidency.

    Act of a desperate man.  Act of someone grasping.  It's over.

    Thank God.

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