
Has McCain hit a Liberal nerve by choosing Palin as his veep?

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After Obama chose Biden as his veep, there was some discussion on YA about it, but nothing special. Now that McCain chose Palin as his veep, it seems at least every third question is regarding Palin.

What gives? Did McCain hit a nerve or something?




  1. All the chatting about Palin lately is not about anything else except.... pointing out her hypocrisy.

    She is against s*x-ed and birth control... and now she has a pregnant daughter.

    The point is... the extreme right is wrong about their abstinence only education. They are stand on this imagined moral high horse and its stunning to watch them fall off.

    . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    Its scary to think that someone who is a heartbeat away from the presidency does not believe in science and kills moose for fun. It just couldn't be any farther than what a Democrat would want in the White House.

  2. He says she was completely vetted before he annoinced her as his choice and that he knew about her daughter's pregnancy. While the daughter herself should not have been paraded before the country in her shame, the facts about her don't change. She is 17 and a minor. The fellow who got her pregnant is 18 and an adult under the law. That makes him guilty of statutory rape, whether she was willing or not (the "two-year rule" only applies to cases of fornication involving two minors). Sarah Palin cannot change the laws to make the rape of her daughter (or your daughter or mine) legal just because it would be convenient. That is the sort of Republican thinking that has ruined the country on several fronts. For that reason, her failure to take action makes Sarah Palin guilty of accessory to rape after (and as far as we now prior to and during) the act.

    Enough said about Palin. McCain says he knew all about the rape prior to selecting Palin as a running mate. That makes him either the biggest fool in politics since the 19th century, or a liar.

    As Romney said "John stepped on his own f******n on this one. Again."

  3. they are in a frenzy they're true colors came out.  sexist and misogynist

  4. First off, I love how the ignorant continue to blame her daughter's pregnancy on Palin. It's quite possible Bristol was using birth control, or that she chose not to. Regardless, she is her own person, so you people need to back off. At least Palin raised her daughter to be a real woman and not abort the innocent being.

    And yes, it hit a nerve. Big time! Why do you think they're all so defensive? They're scared. A real human being is there instead of your good ol' corrupt politicians. Oh yeah, and they're angry because she doesn't promote the killing of babies.

  5. Nope it did not hit a nerve.  Palin is just an easy target.

  6. LOL, the whole nervous system.

  7. Not really.

    We just think he shot himself in the foot. Maybe both feet.

  8. Her pick has exposed them for the hypocrites and sexists they really are.

  9. Hit a nerve?  Yeah, the FUNNY BONE!  I laughed when I found out a little about the woman.  She is so obviously a poor choice.  I guess I just don't get why McCain and his supporters think she is such a great one.  

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