
Has McCain managed to shed the image of "liberal" amongst Republicans? If so, how has he accomplished that?

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All during the primaries YA Republicans kept calling him a liberal. The vast majority wanted Romney. Has McCain succeeded in convincing them that he's not a liberal... since he gained the nomination? If so, how?




  1. Everyone knows he's not a liberal, especially compared to folks like Clinton and Obama.  Romney supporters tried to make the liberal label stick during the primaries, but now that McCain has won, most people will get behind him.  He's always been more towards center than other Republican leaders, but to call him a liberal is a stretch, and everyone knows it.

    Some die hard right wingers probably won't vote for him because he's not conservative enough.  I think they'll be in the minority.

  2. Nope, still a liberal.  I won't be voting for him.  He is however, head and shoulders better than Obama.

  3. Only the staunch, narrow minded, singled visioned, uncompromising Rush Limbaugh type conservatives promoted this nonsense.

    McCain has a better than 75% conservative voting record in the Senate - more than enough to secure the support of the vast majority of moderate republicans - as convincingly proved in the primaries.

  4. He became the nominee and it all went away............. most of us call it hypocrisy.

  5. Are you kidding, they could put Hillary up there with a GOP sticker on her head and put her up against Teddy Kennedy and they'd defend that ho til the end.  

    What does it matter when the two puppets in the circus are NWO neoliberal globalists working for the energy and banking cartels?

    These morons think it's a WWF match. Yeah! I'm on the Red team! Go red team!  retards.

  6. nope

  7. He has not among most Republicans I know. He is only conservative compared to Obama.

    Off topic: A warning to Politics & Government regulars:;...

  8. Not really. He is just far to the right of Obama.

  9. He's not a textbook conservative, but compared to the Demcratic nominees, he's plenty conservative.

  10. McCain is still labelled "liberal" - now he's really the lesser of two evils to vote for - but the American people spoke - they didn't nominate a conservative candidate, which tells me that people are falling for the liberal rhetoric and are beginning the expect the government to pay their way on things they should pay for themselves - welcome to socialist society - the rich liberal democrats will still  have their palaces and their wealth - the rest of us will be taxed to death and have nothing - which is exactly like they want it - thank you to all the lazy people out there...

  11. Among Republicans Yes.

    Among Conservatives No.

    The Conservatives are sitting on there hands.

    That is why the election is still close.

    If it looks like Obama is ahead a couple of points in the begining of November, the Conservatives may come out to put McCain over the top, just for the sake of not having to listen to Obama for a term.

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