
Has Miss Congeniality worked out what a VP. does yet?

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Has Miss Congeniality worked out what a VP. does yet?




  1. I'd hardly think so, Nader...she is pregnant once more and the shotgun keeps getting in the way of her growing belly.


  2. She has, but she thinks it means official trigger finger. She thinks that all adversaries are essentially like wolves, and should be 'taken out'.  

  3. One might ask the same thing about your boy Nader.  How many times have Americans rejected this moron looser?

  4. Not yet. She hasn't the faintest idea and she never will


  6. I'm sure she'll pick it up pretty fast.  She seems like a quick learner, unlike The Obama who thinks being President of the United States is the same as being King of the World.

  7. Yep. now Biden, he's going to be telling Obama how to do EVERYTHING. Just call him President (Biden)

  8. I sure hope so. I watched some clips of her speech from the nomination and it was a snooze fest...

  9. At least she knows what the Vice President is. Barry the Inexperienced doesn't even know what the President does. Seeing he thinks we have 57 states he might not know where the nations capital is.

  10. Some one e-mailed me on that topic - because I wasn't too clear on a VP's job or their power(s) or lack thereof

    But what I find so insulting is this continual insinuation that women will just blindly want to vote for another woman

    The Dem's failed to get Hillary in so now all women will want to rush over here and vote for this woman

    I don't know anything about McCain's pick - not a thing - but the message I get is "if we just pick up any ole crack addicted w***e from the gutter we will get the woman vote - just because women want to vote for women"

    Yes the above is an exageration but it is part and parcel with the message that they and FOX seem to want to spread - or uh dare I say suggest to the viewers at large

    What is next ?

    If you don't vote for this woman it's because you hate females? Is that the next leap of logic we will hear ?

    Here is my non partisan suggestion

    Vote for the person you want to support for 4 years with your tax dollar

    Stop looking at this in any other manner but a strict hire

    These are people looking for a job it doesn't matter if that is a black a woman an elderly person or has little yellow spots with known homosexual tendency's

    Who do you want to hire based on what will they be doing on the national nickel not gender or colour or or or  

  11. You are going to be SO depressed on November 6

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