
Has Mother Nature now punished the Republicans for what they did right after Katrina?

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After the embarrasing Republican response to the last New Orleans hurricane in 2005, do you think that justice has prevailed now that another New Orleans hurricane has spoiled the Republicans' party and convention?




  1. Naa, you need to write KOS and tell them you need some better talking points that one don't wash..

  2. "3rd party candidate."  um hum.  is that greek for independent or libertarian?  Like Ross Perot?  I smell a closet democrat.  Come on out of there and fess up that you are hoping the storm hurts the republican party.    

  3. Considering its Hurricane Season, what are the odds?

  4. no intellectually honest person could blame could blame an administration for an act of god.  

  5. Check your facts...2 Democrats caused the delayed response after Katrina hit

    The chain of command for major disasters goes like this:

    Mayor (Ray Nagin-DEMOCRAT) : It's the mayor's responsibility to assess the situation and act first, utilizing the police force, and other city agencies...Usually taking on the responsibilty of taking preventative measures...Levies should have been reinforced, cities evacuated (mandatorially), power stations shut down to avoid fires, electrocution, and more potential damage, etcetera...No preventative measures were taken in this case....SO, then it would be the mayor's responsibility to act AFTER the fact, helping to evacuate people, securing the city, etcetera...

    When the task is too much for the mayor to handle, which understandably it CLEARLY was...The mayor then has to turn over the job to the...

    Governor (Kathleen Blanco-DEMOCRAT) : The governor, once contacted by the mayor, would then have the SAME responsibilities as the mayor (before or after the disaster, depending on when he/she was contacted by the mayor)...But, he would have much more power and assistance (state agencies) at his disposal to do a more effective job...The governor failed to act appropriately, or he was simply contacted too late to be of much use...

    If the governor cannot properly handle the situation...He then has to request help from the...

    President/Government: The president is unable (by restriction of law, and the 'chain of command') to respond to a situation unless and until assistance is requested from the governor...His hands are tied, until a formal request is made...In this case, that request took way too long, and seriously delayed action...

    Once the President/Government's assistance IS finally requested, the president has EVERY agency at his disposal...Including the military and FEMA, among others....In this case, FEMA was overwhelmed with the responsibility of handling the task, their 'assistance' was woefully inadequate...And again, much too little, much too late

    The ONLY thing that the President CAN do without a request, is declare an area as a 'natural disaster' which is necessary to achieve funding for, and acquire assistance (including the military, FEMA, etcetera) for the area....In THIS case...Bush declared the area as a natural disaster BEFORE the hurricane even hit, so that when the time came (when the request for assistance came from the governor), everything would be ready to send out forces, and try to do as much as possible as soon as possible...But, he still had to wait for that request from the governor before he could act...That HAD to be frustrating

    EDIT: Re: your additional details: Yes, that was an excellent ploy to try to deflect attention away from his own incompetence and focus it on someone else.

  6. Rayne Storm is absolutely right!  The two Democrats (the mayor and the governor) were total s***w-ups.  Did you see how much better the Republican governors of Mississippi and Alabama handled Hurricane Katrina?  The only thing I can blame on Bush is that he did not realize how utterly inept those two Democrats were!

    Thank God the people of Louisiana now have a Republican governor to handle the situation (and tell that dolt Nagin what to do!).

  7. Actually, I think God is doing the Republicans a favor.  He saw how it took the Bush administration a couple days to get the relief efforts rolling for Katrina, so He is making Gustav hit a couple days later in the year.  God wants to make sure the Bush administration is ready for it this time.  Timely disaster relief should reassure the public that Republicans aren't completely incompetent.

  8. Democrats desperate because they know they will lose again.  

  9. Gustav is an inside job. Now Bush and Cheney won't have to show up and respresent for McCain.

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