
Has Mr. Obiden explaind these yet or did I already miss that part ?

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  1. OMGosh! I'm sorry to hear this. I like Joe Biden even though I'm voting McCain.

    Obama didn't look very chipper today when he found out about Palin, it seems he seen it right away, his lower numbers coming.

    Oh well, that's what happens when one's resume is so poor and lacking in qualifications as Obama's is.

  2. First, I have to tell you my husband also uses the term OBiden.  Secondly, Keith Olbermann and one of his alternative lifestyle wenches went on and on and on about the misconduct investigation against Palin, which as far as I have been able to research is no big deal.  (I hope this is true.)  But leave it to Keith.  He has to justify his existence somehow.  Thirdly, this will get out in the open soon enough, and I'm really not looking forward to hearing about it, even though it must be exposed.  For now, I want to enjoy the nomination of Palin, secure that God is in charge and the world is unfolding just as it should.

  3. This is a revelation which the liberal media are sure to cover up.

    McCain has a good judgment in choosing Palin. She can't be compared to the empty suit BHO in experience since the latter has no experience relevant to Presidency. Lovely Palin has an executive experience. With good 8 years as VP, she will be equally ready as Clinton come Palin's Presidential run.  

  4. No can't say I heard Mr. Obidin discuss this yet, But ,maybe he was just forgetful. Yeah right Huh? I am sure all that's done is darkness is going to come to light in this campaign.  Now that we have Sarah, Palin things are fixing to change. McCain Palin 2008.

  5. You did not miss it. I highly doubt that the big 3 media will investigate it. If they did that they would jeopardize the token one that they raised to become President.

    It should come out and will, by someone.

  6. not that I know of,,

    thanks for sharing this i'll pass it along to others,,

    maybe that will be the way,,

    I had  came across your question though my contact,,

    can I  repost these links on my blog??  maybe more pepole see the truth  ,,

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