
Has Mrs Palin had the 'talk' with her daughter yet?

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Or is it too late?




  1. It appears Sarah Palin's abstinence-only educational philosophy has hit a bit too close to home.  Poor kid-only 17 and saddled with an unbelievable amount of responsibility

  2. Oooh there's so much fun to be had with this story.  By the looks of it young Bristol's going to plop til she drops and outdo mama Palin, good job mama Palin is handy with a gun etc etc

  3. I am sure she has. My mom had the talk with me, but it didnt keep me from getting pregnant my senior year. Give Bristol a break. she is young and made a mistake. She is not running for office, her mother is. So go crawl back under your democratic rocks and find someone else to suck the life out of.  

  4. Too little too late, I blame the parents

  5. I would say that she might have. But given Sarah's views about choice and abstinence only education, the talk might have been very one sided. She should have been provided with all the options and then make the decision herself.It is evident that Sarah did not provide her daughter with any s*x education, unless the pregnancy is deliberate. I pity the millions of women who may be victimized by Sarah's politic,, and McCain's as well in this area.I put in Right to life in order to be objective, which is more than Sarah or  the theocons would do.

  6. Republicans don't talk to their children. Their kids get in trouble & go to the nice liberal neighbor for unconditional love after they have done what ever it is that their parent won't accept.

  7. When campaigning for governor she answered a questionnaire supplied by the Eagle Forum.  In it, she said as governor she would not fund "explicit" s*x education and would only support "Abstinence Only" programs.  No doubt this is the talk/education her daughter, Bristol, got.  We see how effective that was.  Being that Palin is a Ultra-Conservative Christian, I'd bet a basket of $5 bills that she had her daughter sign a "Chastity Pledge."

  8. I think she had the "abstinence only" talk.

  9. Can I say "GILF" in here?

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