
Has Mugabe asked for a recount of votes?

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He is paranoid enough.




  1. Nope

  2. Not really. He did the run-off without the opposition stooge. But it has its precedent in Rhodesian history when Ian Smith declared it independent from the UK and made it a WHITES only voting system. And his secret police killed about 30,000 blacks (according to him, but could be much more). So Mugabe has a long way to go. Even then the UK did nothing to help the poor black people. So why help them now. I hear about 80 or so have been killed. that leaves about 29 thousand and some to go to catch up with Smithy.

  3. No, why would he?

    If you ask Jimmy Carter and the crowd, he won fair and sqaure.

    If you ask me, he intimidated his opponent out of the race using the usual marxist tactics that were "perfected" by the USSR and the ChiComs...

  4. No!Not this time!Have you noticed that the Zimbabwean electoral officials will announce Mugabe's victory tomorrow!Now he is assured of victory!When he lost!We all had to wait 2 months to hear the verdict!That certainly tells me something is amiss!!

  5. I'm sorry but that situation does not lend itself to humor. The type of brazen authoritarianism and cruelty these people face is something our useless UN should be dealing with now and if not that body of "justice" then all capable nations should be stepping in. No more taking over countries for perceived weapons we possess but stepping in and and taking over when there are crimes like these taking place. We should all be very ashamed of our administrations lack of diligence. This is not a detente situation.

  6. why would he, he's the only official candidate now.

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