
Has Obama healed the Lepers yet or is that after his acceptance speech?

by Guest11033  |  earlier

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Hoping to see it on tv later.




  1. Oooooohhhhh....Clever McCleverson....

  2. Ask McCain... he is the only one that sees him as such...

    My Messiah, was healing lepers 2000 years ago...

    Funny IF Obama is the Messiah, does that make McCain the Anti-Chirst... I knew he was a terrible choice for President... Now, he must be pure evil.

  3. The lepers haven't been healed yet. That won't happen until Obama's first day as President. Won't happen so those lepers better look for another miracle.

  4. LOL - he can't even heal himself

  5. Nope.

    He will heal the lepers right after he heals the rampant phony conservatism sweeping Y/A answers.

  6. I don't recall a time that I've ever seen this board so full of bliss.

  7. Republicans can't understand the enthusiasm for a candidate.  After all, they have politicians like Bush & McCain (double yuck!!) - what is there for them to to be excited about?

    Democrats can really be excited about their candidates - that doesn't make them healers, just great leaders.  

    Obama/Biden 2008!!!!!

  8. I don't know but has your mother taken care of those crabs yet? They are killing me.

  9. Sucks that the Democratic nominee is dominating huh?

    All you hear good about McCain is that....uhh.....well, I guess nothing.

    Oh yeah, he's a P.O.W.

  10. Republican lepers are incurable - too much brain damage

  11. That comes after he walks on water, but before he parts the Red Sea.

  12. He has come to the mountain top (Mile High) and seen the promised land. ;-) Whether the Repukes will get the "healing", 40 years of wandering in exile in the political desert that they deserve,  is yet to be determined.

  13. He's doing that right after he brings peace to the Middle East, solves America's health care crisis and feeds the starving people across the globe.

    Or he'll do it after he trys to "talk" a h**l bent Iran out of launching a nuke up our butts and fails, unravels the little good we did in Iraq and sends the economy to h**l with socialist healthcare. Then he'll do it just to say he did something right.

  14. He hasn't done that yet. We first have to fill out the order form and send a check or money order for $19.95 to the address listed on his website, and then we'll receive the special 'BamaSignal" that we can just shine in the sky. THEN he'll swoop in and save them.

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