
Has Obama mentioned the Governmental Programs he will get rid of to pay for everything?

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Has Obama mentioned the Governmental Programs he will get rid of to pay for everything?




  1. Giving welfare to Big Oil and companies that ship jobs overseas, which needs to be taken away.  Everyone should be encouraging this be done by either candidate.

  2. The war, stupid!

  3. Well, how else to you cut spending? Are you saying that McCain is somehow going to reform spending without cutting programs?

    Don't be silly. There are a lot of programs that don't work, and either president will have to cut them.

    Has McCain explained how we're going to be able to pay for this war?

    Because if we end the war, at least the money being spent will be to improve our own country.

  4. Yes.  $4 billion/month = end the war in Iraq

  5. Well he wants to give incentives to people in the military to leave, so we will give them a GI bill to join, then a bonus not to re-up.

    We will not have a military in 12 or so years and we will have to rebuild it just like we did after Clinton left office, if the U.N. will allow us by then.

    The funny thing liberals are to ignorant to understand is wars actually increase revenues so they don't cost anything in the long run except life and hey why should they be opposed to a 83rd trimester abortion? At least the soldiers signed up for it instead of being created just to be destroyed they, at least, got to help society.

    They are also too ignorant to understand increased taxes actually reduces revenue.


    McCain: Would consider "almost anything" as part of a compromise to save Social Security, yet rules out higher payroll taxes for now.

    Obama: Proposes raising cap with an unspecified "small adjustment" that would subject a portion of higher incomes to Social Security taxes.


    McCain: "No new taxes" if elected. Twice opposed Bush's tax cuts, at first because he said they were tilted to the wealthiest and again because of the unknown costs of Iraq war. Now says those tax cuts, expiring in 2010, should be permanent. Proposes cutting corporate tax rate to 25 percent. Promises balance budget in first term, says that is unlikely in his first year.

    Obama: Raise income taxes on wealthiest and their capital gains and dividends taxes. Raise corporate taxes. $80 billion in tax breaks mainly for poor workers and elderly, including tripling Earned Income Tax Credit for minimum-wage workers and higher credit for larger families. Eliminate tax-filing requirement for older workers making under $50,000. A mortgage-interest credit could be used by lower-income homeowners who do not take the mortgage interest deduction because they do not itemize their taxes.


    McCain: $2,500 refundable tax credit for individuals, $5,000 for families, to make health insurance more affordable. No mandate for universal coverage. In gaining the tax credit, workers could not deduct the portion of their workplace health insurance paid by their employers.

    Obama: Mandatory coverage for children, no mandate for adults. Aim for universal coverage by requiring employers to share costs of insuring workers and by offering coverage similar to that in plan for federal employees. Says package would cost up to $65 billion a year after unspecified savings from making system more efficient. Raise taxes on wealthier families to pay the cost

    I love this raise the taxes on families who actually got off their tushy and worked to make sure their kids were taken care of.



  7. Has McCain?  You can't pay for a 9 billion dollar a month war and lower taxes.

  8. Of course not. Obama doesn't have any real plans. He just likes to talk, and talk, and talk...

  9. He has said that he will bring the troops home from Iraq. That should take care of about 100 billion a year.

  10. absolutely not. When he talks about taxing the rich, who will really be the working class,he is saying, we must have more programs so people don't have to be responsible for their actions.

  11. He is not going to get rid of any programs. It's actually just the opposite: He will add so many more programs that your entire paycheck will go to pay for them. But that's OK. The government will be there to solve all your problems, along with a big ol' helping of bureaucracy!

  12. Yes.  First, he'll get rid of the military since any disagreement in the world can be handled by negotiation.  After that, he'll eliminate educational grants to non-minority students.

  13. That's what I want to know.  He has soooo many plans to enlarge our government and create "programs" to benefit us but where is he gonna get the money?  Can you say taxes?  Yeah, sure the super wealthy are gonna pay for it all.  It'll trickle down to you and me.  Business taxes blah blah blah.  The average American will end up paying for it.

    In the long run both McCain and Obama's plans will simply enlarge our deficit. Both plans are so far apart but the end results are the same.

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