
Has Obama mentioned which Governmental programs he will get rid of to pay for his plan?

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Obama said in his acceptance speech that he would pay for everything by getting rid of government programs. I thought we were having trouble paying for the plans we have now. So getting rid of one to add another one doesn't make sense. If you -1 and add one aren't we in the same shape we are now?




  1. Go to his website it is all spelled out for you.  

  2. Ummm.....a trillion a year in Iraq is a d**n good start.

  3. No, no, no he dare not mention that!  He thinks we are dumb enough not to realize the taxes he is going to pile on small business, gas, things we have to buy does not cause the company's, business, to intern charge you and me more for goods, gas and groceries.  And the Democrats are just lapping it up.  He's going to give us everything, $1000 here for this and $500 for that.  Who in this world believes this but the Democrats.  It's really quite amusing but you soon start to realize they just so wound up and "inspired" their judgment has flew out the window along with their common sense.

  4. Not important at this point. This is by the way Karl Rove's plan of attack . BTW he looked VERY lost right after Obama's speech when he said this.

  5. Depends on the cost of the one that you add. If you add one that is more cost effective then you will be eliminating the debt that was caused by the other one.  

  6. Corporate welfare and tax give aways for the rich and privileged.

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