
Has PETA gone too far?

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PETA is trying to run this ad after the beheading death of a young man on a Greyhound bus in Western Canada?

Has Peta overstepped the moral boundaries by running this ad?




  1. That add is disgusting.  I feel bad for the family of the victim having to see that add.  Just another thing confirming my belief that peta is RETARDED.  (I am very much pro animal welfare by the way).  peta does nothing to help livestock, and I should know because that is my life.

  2. no. they are just trying to put the word out. because people waste and can careless about animals but when a person gets beheaded it is like chaos everywhere. and it is true it is still going on. people don't take animals for granted. one day they will all be instinct and there will be no animals to eat. don't get me wrong i am not a vegetarian but i still think it is horrible to torture and skin animals alive. just because they can't talk doesn't mean they can't feel anything. they are trying to get the word out of what goes on in slaughterhouses.. i see nothing wrong with it. PETA is not sickening people who skin and torture animals alive are sick.

  3. PETA overstepped its bounds years ago.  No reason they'll stop now.

  4. PETA overstepped their moral boundaries long ago, if they ever had any morals to begin with.  Using a private citizen's horrific death for profit is unacceptable, unbelievable and unconscionable.  HOWEVER, since nobody is really standing up to PETA and PETA has been allowed to stir up trouble without fact or proof of fault, it will never stop.  AND, as long as people tend to believe everything they hear without investigating for themselves or finding the facts, PETA will continue to exploit us.  We have to show groups like PETA that we are not ignorant, non-thinking people.  We have to hold them accountable for their actions and injustices.  PETA may have started with good go after people who torture, abuse and neglect animals, but they have long since gone over the edge.

  5. It's just like PETA to take a human tragedy and turn it into a fundraising campaign.  


    When PETA lost respect for humans is when I lost respect for them (coincidentally, that was sometime back in the 1980s).

  6. I agree with those who said PETA overstepped their bounds years ago.

    However, that doesn't mean that this recent ad isn't repulsive.

    Yes, I understand that slaughterhouses are horrible, and I agree with them on that. But to take a tragedy like this, a recent one in which the family is surely still in shock and wracked with grief, and try to USE it to their own advantage is disgusting.

    I'm a staunch advocate for animal rights, which is why I completely denounce PETA. It's not alright to kill livestock, but it's not at ALL the same thing when they're euthanizing dogs and cats for no reason. Those animals would RATHER be dead! They're a bunch of lunatics who have no idea how animals really function, they just assume they all MUST BE FREE.

    PETA isn't about the animals anymore. They're all about attention. And it shows.

  7. PETA has gone too far.  They're now pretty much eco-terrorists.

  8. That ad is sickening.  PETA as a whole is sickening.  They are more of a problem than a solution .  Notice they don't mention all the animals they kill.  

  9. The daily, routine abuse that goes on in factory farms and slaughterhouses does not get the kind of media attention that a news story like that does.

    Why not bring this (normally done behind closed doors) to people's attention?

  10. PETA went kooky a long time ago. At dog shows, I have to keep one eye on my dog in the ring and one eye on our setup to be sure no loonies are letting our dogs out of their crates to be free of their human oppressors -_-

    If people want to support those who fight animal cruelty, they should support the SPCA. PETA puts on a pretty face by saying they're for the ethical treatment of animals, but most people don't realize what that really means - freeing domestic animals to suffer and die in the wilderness where they're no longer suited to survive, getting laws passed for mandatory spay and neuter regulations for everyone, including reputable breeders (unless they pay hundreds of dollars every year for each animal that isn't altered) and on and on. They're wackos.

  11. I'd like to say I was shocked that PETA would resort to those kinds of tactics. Sadly though, I am not shocked by it. I have come to expect this- and worse from these morons. They are so far removed from reality that nothing surprises me from them anymore.

    Completely irresponsible and disgraceful.

  12. PETA and GreenPeace are both organizations with a noble cause that for some reason or another quickly stopped listening to reason and now act as though they are led by individuals that do a complete lack of research.

    I picture them just sitting around reading a headline from a newspaper and saying "lets go stop this thing from happening" without reading the rest of the article or trying to figure out what their impact would do to the situation.
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