
Has Pakistan contributed to terrorism?

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I hear people say that Pakistani Intelligence Bureau knows the whereabouts of Osama Bin Laden, and other terrorists. Why doesn't it help to eradicate terrorism by handing over these guys to America and India? Pakistan is the only country that recognizes Taliban. Sadly, whoever I have talked to in Pakistan have been sooooooo nice that it is almost unbelievable that some of them will support killing of others just to convert them to Islam.




  1. Pakistan is just one big training camp, training gullible terrorists how to kill themselves and none Muslims.

  2. Pakistan's government is corrupt, it doesn't mean that Pakistani people support the Taliban or killing non-Muslims.

  3. Pakistan actually doesn't control them. Why? Even their own military staff get killed by militias in isolated parts of the country.

  4. geographically and because of orthodox anti american thinking they are contributing to terrorism .. with an afgan border on one side and a poor nation with leaders who lack vision they sadly are contributing.. but with time and progress i hope things might change..

  5. because the US control Pakistan.

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