
Has Palin down anything illegal, immoral, or not in the interest of Alaska?

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Has Palin down anything illegal, immoral, or not in the interest of Alaska?




  1. Not that I know of,but the question we should be asking is "Once a drug head,always a drug head,except now Obama won't have to buy them. The American government(American people) will be supplying them to him. It must be wonderful to admit you are a drug head and still win the democratic nomination. That tells me something about the democrats,right.  

  2. Abuse of Power investigation pops to mind.  That has yet to be resolved to my knowledge.  

  3. Last year BUSH was whinning about all the democratic earmarks


    McBUSH has selected one of the WORST offenders !!!

  4. Don't know yet, the digging has just begun.

  5. Only if you find trying to get a wife beater thrown off of the police force.

    But hey maybe she should keep her mouth shut when she knows of someone that abuses their spouse. We need cops that like to beat women and minorities.

    Sending millions of dollars back to the federal government when she decided the bridge to know where wasn't that good of a way to spend money. That may not have been in the best interest of the 5 families that it would have affected but I sure thank it was a good idea.

  6. Well, according to CNN having a 17 year old daughter that is pregnant IS illegal, immoral and not in the interest of AMERICA.  Wait........ the 17 year old isn't running for office so I guess the answer to your question is NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  7. she's great if you like a jerry springer episode for a vice president

  8. She accepted the VP nomination knowing it would thrust her pregnant daughter onto the public stage and subject her to ridicule. Way to walk over your family to advance your career.

  9. No. Great question.

  10. She tried to get Alaska to secede from the union. (It's true - you can look it up.)

    Now she wants to be Vice President of the same country she was trying to leave?


    Immoral? That's a matter of opinion. And in my opinion, much about her life is immoral.

    Also, I'm amazed at her inconsistency. She's anti-choice, even if the mother's life is at stake. Because she says all life is precious. But she's FOR the death penalty and a card-carrying member of the NRA.


  11. Nothing!!! Get your facts straight( whimsy)..stop spreading lies and rumors.  

  12. Abuse of Power scandals; cronyism; apparently attempted to have books banned; and has desires to interject personal beliefs into law.

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