
Has Palin got the Democrats running scared?

by Guest32005  |  earlier

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They reach, and lie and claim insufficient vetting. Well I have yet to see her associated with a club or a church that hates blacks (AK Reverend Wright) nor Have I seen her accused of getting good grades in school through plagiarism.

Perhaps Democrats should vet their own before becoming concerned about others.




  1. She belongs to this church and was present for many sermons like this:

    She may or may not be a member of the AIP (Alaska indelpendent party) but she seems to support them very well:

    The founder of the Alaska Independence Party -- a group that has been courted over the years by Sarah Palin, and one her husband was a member of for roughly seven years -- once professed his "hatred for the American government" and cursed the American flag as a "d**n flag."

    And her husband is a member.  Imagine if Michelle Obama were a member of the Black Panther party!

  2. Does Obama/Biden have the Republicans running scared......that they had to find an inexperienced female governor with drama.

  3. I'm running scared from Barack Obama!  I don't want him running our military and I know my husband doesn't want him as the commander in chief of the military!

    Barack is a very scarey person and he hasn't had to answer for some of the shadiness in his past yet.  When is that going to happen?

  4. dems only claim insufficient vetting because she has proven to be an easy target. its true that she wasnt even considered a contender by any major speculators because she's NOT qualified! (especially to step into the role of prez!) let me ask you - has palin got you running scared that mcsame made a booboo?

  5. no, but she want to ban abortion for any reason including rape iincest and if the mother's life is in danger....she wants prayer in public schools and creationism taught in public schools. She is against stem cell research. This is what we know about this lunatic at the moment. So, anyone who loves america should be scared s**+tless of this fascist.

  6. Running Scared?  You got that right!  What puzzles me is after having B. Clinton in office with his lack of moral standards and conduct (that he admitted to) and Obama admitting to the things he did in his younger years--the drugs, plagiarism and all, that they would wage this kind of attack on a 17 year old girl.  If this kind of stuff about Palin's personal family life is all they have to go on, which apparently it is, and having the record she does as governor of Alaska, I would say they are and should be running scared!  

    Obama is running on all of these ideas of "change" that no one can define (including Obama himself) then picked Senator Biden who as been a Senator for 35 years as his VP pick.  So where's the change there?  People keep saying we need new blood--new faces in DC.  Maybe Palin is just the start we need in that direction.

    I'm with Senator Lieberman.  It isn't the party ; it's our country that matters.

  7. ''amen'' finally someone on here with a sense of fair play.

    1000% right you are m/f...........keep up the excellent observations

    i get kicked out all the time..jerks..wouldn't know the truth if it hit them in the head.....Ah well i think the Y/ in police dept. have a black long as hes black, and his name is OBAMA

    We be all good..i can't  wait till u all be learning e-bonics..praise the Lord..and Taquandah pass the peas please, to aunt prissy, you be a doll g/f...i gotta get me sum mo peas, peas be good......anyway.i digress, my answer sure as shite will be removed...f/em. THE Democratic Party has turned so far Left that even die heart Dem's cannot hold there nose any longer, they tell me enough is enough

    this experience-worked in the Senate something like 142 days, hasn't accomplished anything so to u gave us Hilary

    then screwed her///well your not getting us again,,,Palin/McCain  

  8. Yes, they are equating their -presidential- candidate with a mere VP candidate and she is winning,,, it must have the top dogs shaken in their boots,,, plus they got people who think it is helping their candidate by trashing a 17 yr old family member...setting their guy up for failure,,, lol..

    I want to know who vetted Obama? And did they know about Ayers? How about Acorn? Umm there are many more,, plus,, is Obama taking good care of those girls? Looks like Michelle is doing all the work,,, she had a total make over..

  9. sounds like you have some reaches too... does Obama/Biden have you running scared?

  10. No, just thinking they smell desperation coming from the GOP.

    This is what I think the GOP was thinking "Hey, lets put a woman on the ballot then all the feminists will vote for her. Doesn't matter that the candidate isn't one herself. Feminists are so dumb that they will vote for a woman just because she is a woman"

    Palin, the anti feminist!  

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