
Has Political Correctness destroyed the Human spirit?

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Has Political Correctness destroyed the Human spirit?

What's your thoughts?




  1. not mine! i don't play that c**p and neither should you.

  2. I've never seen a politically minded fool that didn't try pass off his opinions as a social norm, that only horrible evil miscreants would deny.  Not at any point on the spectrum.  

    I don't spend a lot of time worrying about the "human spirit" either.  Whatever that's supposed to be, I suppose it's been around a lot longer than I have, and ought to be old enough to look out for itself.

    Then again I suppose a lot of you clowns never had much "human spirit" to work with in the first place.

  3. Only in those who allow the liberal thought police to control what they think, say, do or believe.

  4. I tell you this; In certain aspects. . . YES! However, the far left, in their own delusion, wants a nation of robots. They want total control of our lives! However, they are gravely mistaken if they think that they have destroyed my will to fight back at them. They think that someone like me is a non entity; that I do not exist! I vote, and they better remember that!

    It is by being politically incorrect is what gives us our very own identity. I don't feel sorry for anybody being born into the skin color that they have, or the certain lifestyle that one chooses for their self. How about this; I judge by your intelligence! Affirmative action is a travesty.

  5. Only within those averse to confrontation.  

    George Carlin, Penn and Teller, Chris Rock, Ann Coulter, etc, are all politically incorrect.  They just learned the difference between socially aggressive commentary at the office vs. in a bar or on a stage.

  6. The human spirit?  No.  

    Public intellectual debate?  Yes.

  7. No, making sure you don`t disrespect someone is mature.

  8. yes, but I said more YahooAnswers would kick me out for being un PC.

  9. it sure hasn,t helped it.

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