
Has Prince Harry Gone Too Far This Time?

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I was watching the review of tomorrow's papers on BBC News 24 a few minutes ago and there was a page devoted to Prince Harry in one of the tabloids in which he is shown hurling abuse at photographers at 2.30 in the morning outside a nightclub.

Apparently he was shouting something like "I'm going to smash your fu**ing face in!' while heavily drunk and carrying a bottle of lager.

OK, I accept the photographers must be a real pain and given what they did to his mother he must have a deep hatred for them. However, given that his colleagues are at present risking their lives in Iraq should he not be trying to behave in a more discrete and civilised way?

After all he is mean't to be third in line to the throne!




  1. he's always gone too far. Royalty allows royals to be immune to reality

  2. I think the most important word here is "tabloid"

  3. so what i think i would be the same just because hes royal ,dosent mean he has to behave like one and as for wearing a n**i uniform  it was a fancy dress doo i belive, in anycase the royals have german blood in them so whats the prob ,there are too many  people moaning about rubbish just to fill a newspaper , get a life people, your born to die so enjoy it from start to finish, if it dosent affect your wallet theres nothing to complain about

  4. like you said he was carrying alcohol. when your drunk your true feelings come out.

  5. I can't believe this obnoxious little posh boy is supposed to be better than the rest of us. With any luck, Harry will go a long way to us getting rid of the monarchy.

  6. maybe his dad James should get a grip of him

  7. Give the guy a break.

    He has just had a particularly harrowing week trying to keep the media happy at the memorial for his mother.

    He is 22 years old & needs space to blow off a little steam. Surelt it isn't too much to expect that the media leave him alone for a short while to act like an average guy.

  8. No he hasn't and who are we to walk in his shoes from our armchairs. The media should be shot and shat on, for most of the work they do.

  9. But, hasn't he done stuff like this before?

    It's no surprise to me.

    If he accidentally killed someone, I wouldn't be surprised.....

    But yeah I get what you are saying.

    Personally, if I was royalty, I wouldn't be like that. Yes, there is a lot of pressure. So much we can never even imagine.

    We don't even know what it is like.

    Psychologically, it could be because of his mother.

    He could also have anger issues.

    And paparazzi p**s people off a lot so maybe he was mad about that.

  10. Prince Harry went too far a long time ago, remember the n**i uniform anyone.

    The Royal family have lost the public, they just don't know it yet

  11. There"s not much worse than being third in line to the throne specially if you live in a one throne household. I do my best to get in early.

  12. I'm sure he lives under constant pressure. I'm sure he has disdain for photogs.. losing his mother where paparazzi was targeting her, and surrounding her as she lay dying.

  13. Why has everybody got it in for the Royal Family? Just because he's expected to behave like all the others ... what a load of stuff and nonsense!!!

    He's a young man enjoying life, who has had to endure a life of being stared at and every move being monitored.

    Why shouldn't he be allowed to rebel from the usual protocol from time to time.

    He lost his mother at a young age and has had to suffer the constant media attention surrounding his mother's death. It's enough to send anyone off the rails from time to time.

    I say leave him alone and he'll soon settle down.

  14. he's a lad under pressure. i feel sorry for him. a lot of people don't rate his importance ie the saying 'an heir and a spare'. just because he's royalty doesn't mean he can't have a skin full and sound off. after all his aunt, the Queen's sister was rather fond of a drink or two and she was still loved.

  15. Celebrities do this all the time and no one cares. What's the difference between him and them?

  16. Funny that....

    How you have the silver spoon up your backside all your life then when you reach your 20's you think your some sort of hard man when you start to come away from the royal familys cosy breast.

    He will smash his face in? Lol i bet if he was to say that to someone else when he is without his bodguards he would get his royal silver spoon *** whoped all over london.

  17. The media scum are nothing but Hyenas scrapping for any titbits. They should be giving a good kicking. If you were followed every day of your life, you`d soon get sick of it also.

    He had no choice about not been allowed to go to Iraq, and, if his "colleagues" were now home on leave do you actually think they would stop at home to be discrete or would they be in the clubs enjoying themselves and getting smashed on beer?

    And what about his colleagues in the UK, do they stop in Barracks every night???

  18. **** the throne, it's not worth a shite. **** the queen and all wankers like you

    harry's a weed smokin drinking girl chasing young man and he should do what the **** he wants as long as it doesn't involve selling out to be a S****y wee royal snob to please brainwashed "subjects" like you

  19. Look at the rest of you lot.

    He is just behaving in the traditional manner of all boozed up yobs.

    Leave him be. Let him off.

  20. He's young and just because he's royal doesn't mean he's not human ! He made a mistake he got drunk !! Did I mention he's still very young and he will learn hopefully from his mistakes!! I think his friends in Iraq will understand and wish they could have been with him just out trying to have a good time!! Lighten up!! Walk a mile in his shoes !!

  21. what can be expected????

    a drunk angry young man being harrassed

  22. He is young lay off him, give him a break,

  23. Anyone who acts in a drunken fashion and hurls obscenities at other people,( albeit tabloid photographers;) should be ashamed of themselves. They are a disgrace to themselves and are letting down their families. The fact that he is a `royal` makes no difference.

    As far as the comment by dougie trotter 1945, is concerned. Unless you have definite proof of what you have said about Hewitt and Harry, you should use the words `alleged father`, because you have placed yourself in a position whereby you can be sued for libel over the statement you have made, and it does not need to be done by Harry. You could be in deep trouble, make no mistake about that.

  24. who's prince harry?

  25. He's as big an idiot as his mother was !

  26. He just takes after his father, James Hewitt, in that he is a bit of a loose cannon!

  27. Get off your high horse, he's third in line for the throne, a young and cocky man who had a bit too much to drink.  Bet you praise Diana up and down, she did worse.  He comes by his actions honestly.  Lay off the poor guy, and clean up your own back yard, perhaps?

  28. Okay, I don't care what the third in line to the throne does.  Big deal.  It's all pretense anyway.

    I do think that such conduct is unbecoming an officer, and should be dealt with by his military superiors.  If he wants to play soldier, he needs to play by soldierly rules and act like a Queen's officer.

  29. Well he shouldn't have lost his cool, but these photographers go way too far.

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