
Has Prince Harry gone to the front line?

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why don't I know that?




  1. Yes but he's been pulled out

  2. I support anyone who go's out there but I hate the fact that he gets all the media coverage. he is just flesh and blood the same as everyone else and doesn't deserve 9 pages all to himself in the newspapers

  3.'s been on all of the news...

    have you not been near the TV or radio today??!!

    now hese coming back because he might get captured or killed on purpose...

  4. It was supposed to be a secret so that terrorists did not find out where he was & target him & his unit. It was a secret until an American news crew saw fit to announce it to the world.

    By the time you read any of these answers he will probably be half way home.

  5. He did but has been order back as the americans broke a media blackout or something

  6. Don't be silly, he was just playing soldier!

  7. hes on his way back annoyed with the leak apparantly ...

  8. Yes, he was there. There was a time when generals and kings were expected to lead from the front. Now they are cotton wooled and molly-coddled back home.

  9. have not got anytime for the royals ,,but i must say i do admire him for doing this ,like all the soldiers that are out there ,,,well done,and i support them totally ,,unlike those MP's who are in a position to support them with more help,,i think it would be different if any of them had sons and daughters out there fighting,,,just like in the first world war ,send men and woman out to fight ,while they sit on there big back sides,miles behind the front line,telling are soldiers to get on with it

  10. Hewitt and Diana's son is coming back after a short spell living in the REAL world

  11. Prince Hary has gone to the front line but has been pulled out due to a press leak in Australia and America. hs tour of duty was supposed to be a secret until April.

  12. y7es he has, but the government is bringing him back to england now that every single person (terrorists and afghani rebels included) know that he's there.

  13. Yes he was on the front line for 10 weeks. Here is the proof

    However he has now been withdrawn because the media leaked the story. Here is the current story

  14. no hes come back now

  15. Yep been over there for 10 weeks by all accounts on News at 10 last night and probably all the newspapers this morning too.

    Oh and if we tell you where he is now..........we will have to know the rest!

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