
Has Sara Palin become an asset or a liability for John McCain's campaign?

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Just some highlights:

A complete lack of domestic and foreign policy experience


17-year-old daughter getting knocked up and is 5-months pregnant (Didn't her mom preach abstinence as a part of her vaunted 's*x-education' public awareness programs? The same ones which were labeled as a complete failure under the Bush administration?)

Palin's lack of understanding of world politics

I know most conservatives are totally 'boned-up' over McCain's choice (as are most men whom were interviewed by the news media), but has Palin become a liability or a gold-nugget asset?

Someone whom the country can place complete confidence in--in case of a national emergency? Or another terror attack?




  1. Anytime that you take a RISK is a liability...We don't need this in Government.  We can't afford to bring Garbarge into Washington DC where there is so much Garbarge already exist...Especially, DRAMA QUEEN DRAMA

  2. Asset.

    Knocked up?

    Would you say that about YOUR kid?

    Doesn't impact the issues Sparky.

    You weren't voting for her anyway.

    Hey "Reason".

    #1 post your credentials. PDF will be fine.

    #2  Post your Family experience.


    Let's see your "experience".

    We will.

    Get set for a disappointment

  3. The truth of the matter is, Palin has been more of an asset than a liability.  McCain could not possibly have afforded to pick a VP who was even lukewarm on abortion.  Palin energizes the right-wing base, with the idea of "If McCain does suffer the worst, we get an evangelical in office!" really helping him.

    It also suggests that McCain is in absolute confidence of his own health, as this is certainly not a pick in line with who he'd honestly choose as President if such were the case.

    Palin's daughter?  She committed a sin, but she's keeping the child, marrying the father, and forgiveness (within certain constraints) is a common theme amongst religious folk, particularly when they proceed to clean up their act and follow the rules again.

    There will be people who will vote for Palin because of Clinton.  There will be some conservative Christians who won't for for McCain because of Palin, as she is a woman and a mother.

    McCain is still in a difficult position.  He may lose ground with independents, but he gathers the strength of the Republican party base.  Without them, he could expect to lose in a landslide.

    Remember, we've had a number of inexperienced and questionable Vice Presidents.  Richard Nixon had only been in Congress for six years, most of that riding the Red Scare propaganda wave.  Spiro Agnew had been Governor of Maryland for two years, and Baltimore County Executive for four years.

    For comparison, Dan Quayle had twelve years in Congress, four in the House, eight in the Senate.

    I think it's safe to say that the Republican party is not afraid of inexperienced VP candidates, and it's worked before.  Still, while Palin is an asset overall, she's still a mixed blessing.  We'll see how well she holds up in the public spotlight.

  4. I think liability. I was going to vote McCain but have now decided against it, NOT because Palin's daughter is pregnant, but because of the republican and conservative response to her pregnancy.

  5. asset! GO SARAH!! your doing a fine job of unhinging the left,you go girl!!!

  6. A definite asset. But since it's a conservative woman, who has displaced your Hillary for the VP position, the NAGS have commenced with the attacks. How much lower can you go than to launch  a gutless attack on a pregnant 17 year old girl. The entire liberal makeup in America can't touch the confidence this country can place in Ms. Palin. The best thing that I remember that liberals have done was when Hillary and Bill,  Al and Tipper looted the White House china and silverware cabinets.

  7. I am a Republican.  I am a Christian.  I am a Parent.  I am a physician.  I was going to vote for McCain, but as of today, I can't and I won't.

    Why?  Because of Palin.  What kind of parent is she?  She accepted the VP nomination knowing that her poor daughter will be the subject of the entire nation's scrutiny.  I would NEVER subject my child to this turmoil.  

    Gov Palin and her husband need to go home, sit down with their family, raise 5 children correctly and properly.  She is so selfish!!  I can't believe it.  I am a Right Wing Christian, and America, PALIN IS NOT BEHAVING LIKE ONE OF US!!  She is putting the future of her newborn baby with Down's Syndrome, her teenage pregnant child, and her soon to be born grandchild at risk for her own personal fame and glory.  This is not the kind of person I want leading us.

    Timothy 3:4-5

    "If a man does not know how to manage his own household, how can he care for God's ..."

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