
Has Sarah Palin accomplished more in her executive experience in two years than Hussein has in his 143 days?

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The only thing Hussein Obamamma has accomplished is voting against funding America's military and trying to surrender to terrorists.

Sarah has vetoed execessive budgets, stopped the 'Bridge to Nowhere', ran the national guard, and stood up to the GOP in her state.

So again,,,,, Hussein has..........

Crickets chirping.




  1. To answer the origianal question...yes.

  2. Obama has been in government for 12 years; Palin, 20 months.

    Some Senate Accomplishments:

    Since entering the U.S. Senate in January 2005, Senator Obama has written approximately 890 bills and co-sponsored an additional 1096.

    Senators Obama and McCain have been running to be the nominee for President for their parties since January 2007. Therefore the 890 bills written by Senator Obama and the 1096 he co-sponsored all occurred in a 2-year span. That shows that he is a prolific and tireless Senator.

    Because of the long-drawn-out nature of passing laws in the Senate many of his bills are still in committee and some were vetoed by republicans. Senator Obama has an impressive record by anyone’s standard.

    For someone who supposedly has no record (according to his competitors) his record of accomplishments are extraordinarily impressive and inspiring.

    · Democratic Republic of the Congo Relief, Security, and Democracy Promotion Act.(This is the first federal legislation to be enacted with Obama as its primary sponsor) Became law

    · Secure Fence Act. Authorized construction of fencing and other security improvements along the United States–Mexico border

    Became law

    · The Lugar–Obama Nuclear Non-proliferation and Conventional Weapons Threat Reduction Act. The Bill expanded the Nunn–Lugar cooperative threat reduction concept to conventional weapons, including shoulder-fired missiles and anti-personnel mines Became Law

    · The “Coburn–Obama Transparency Act” eliminated gifts of travel on corporate jets by lobbyists to members of Congress and the establishment of , a web search engine launched in December 2007 and run by the Office of Management and Budget to require lobbyists to disclose the candidates, leadership PACS or political parties for whom they collect or arrange contribution and the combined amount of the contributions Became law

    · Amendment to the State Children’s Health Insurance Program providing one year of job protection for family members caring for soldiers with combat-related injuries Passed in Senate

    · Energy Policy Act of 2005 to add $200 million for Function 270 (Energy) for the demonstration and monitoring of carbon capture and sequestration technology by the Department of Energy Passed in Senate

    · The Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act (after amendments became the Secure Fence Act which became law) Passed in Senate

    · Education Bill. Require that the Director of Mathematics, Science, and Engineering Education to establish a program to recruit and provide mentors for women and underrepresented minorities who are interested in careers in mathematics, science and engineering. Passed in Senate

    · Summer Term Education Program. Supports summer learning opportunities for low-income students in the early grades to lessen summer learning losses that contribute to the achievement gaps separating low-income students from their middle-class peers Passed in Senate

    · Iraq War De-Escalation Act of 2007 a bill to cap troop levels in Iraq, begin phased redeployment, and remove all combat brigades from Iraq before April 2008. Republicans voted against

    · Iran Sanctions Enabling Act supporting divestment of state pension funds from Iran’s oil and gas industry Republicans voted against

    · Sponsored an amendment to the Defense Authorization Act adding safeguards for personality disorder military discharges, and calling for an official review following reports that the procedure had been used inappropriately to reduce government costs Republicans voted against

    Senator Obama sponsored approximately 820 bills in the Senate, since they are too numerous to list.

  3. Are U Kidding. She goverened a population of 9000 where there were more polar bears then there were people. She is involved in a 100000 investigation.......I think thats the difference.

  4.   Sarah Palin doesn't talk the talk like Obama, she walks the walk !

  5. Motherof - "Mindless uneducated poor?"  Thanks for showing us how pretentious the right is, even more reason to vote for Obama.  I suppose you agree with McCain - anyone making less than 5 mill is middle class?  So the "mindless uneducated poor" must be what, anyone making less than $100,000?  Well, I'm going to take my mindless (though I make decisions with great care and consideration), uneducated (I ONLY have a Master's degree, after all), poor (I'm under $40,000, I must be downright gutter scum to you) a s s straight to the polls and vote for Obama, and you can thank me when he pulls this country out of the gutter that Bush and the evangelical right have thrown it into.  He'll even wipe the spit off the constitution as a special bonus!

  6. I'm glad you're having fun manipulating Obama's name, that makes you what, a 5-year-old?  I'll play too - Tellem tellem bo bellem banana fana fo fellem, me mi mo mellem, Tellem!  

    LOL at your details.  Yeah, that's definitely an accurate description of Obama's career (*rolls eyes).  Palin has been oh-SO-successful in her 20 MONTHS as governor of a sparsely populated hick state.  She definitely stopped the bridge to nowhere...right after she got done supporting it.  

    So tell me, Palin has done SO much and has SO much experience, you would trust her to handle a nuclear crisis?  

    No thank you, I prefer someone who has actually been on the national stage, not some gimmick-VP choice.  

    Answer something honestly now - would she have been picked if she were a man?  If you were looking at qualifications and accomplishments alone, would she have even been on the short-list?  I doubt it.  Shame on you guys for using that poor woman, so you can prove to the Democrats that you can elect a minority too.  I'm glad you're so responsible in your choices for the possible future of this country.

  7. Obama has 0 days of executive experience

    being in the senate does not get you any executive experience

  8. Hasn't Ho-bammama been busy running for office the last 2 years? So we can take that so called experience away right off the top right? Leaving him with-----nothing!!! This guy is nothing more than a traveling snakeoil salesman that the mindless uneducated poor are buying into. The cult called the Democratic Party should be embarassed for trying to pass this joker off as the real deal. Shame on you clowns.  

  9. Palin supported the "Bridge to Nowhere" project when she was running for Governor...

    Obama wrote a bill to get nukes out of the hands of terrorists, passed an ethics reform bill and not to mention the hundreds of other bills he sponsored.

    What does Palin have that is more than that...? Being in the PTA?

  10. My sister was Mayor for a town larger than Palins. My sister is a ding bat but got elected twice. Oh boy Palin is Governor of nothing land. I think Obama has more experience on a Federal level and Biden definitely does.

    Ps. I think you need to read more on that Bridge to nowhere deal.

  11. Lets not forget that for some unknown reason He didn't vote 227 times so far.

    Edit: tickled blue , you would have us believe that Senator Obama spent 143 days actually in the senate and had 1800 Bills that he was involved with? And you are giving him credit for the border fence? No way, No how, NOBAMA.

  12. Sadam Hussein is dead what are you talking about?

  13. yes

    obama accomplished nothing.

    he was unknown till last year

  14. Absolutely.

  15. Like one answerer cut & pasted, Obama's put in a lot of bills, paperwork, but what do you expect from a lawyer.

    Oh & he also managed to grow that Community organization from a handful of employees to a couple hundred, so we know h**l be great at growing bureaucracy.

    Sarah Palin definitely has him in the executive experience.

    But wait! Why are we comparing VP to Prez?

  16. Personally there's a major difference between running a state than running a federal government. At least Obama has experience at the federal level. George Bush also had executive experience and look what wonders it's done for the United States lol. Palin doesn't have to deal with foreign policy or a massive debt that the republicans have massed over the last eight years.

  17. exactly...

  18. Yes, she has.

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