
Has Sarah Palin been told what the Vice President does yet?

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I am wondering whether someone explained it to her before she accepted McCain's offer -- because on July 30 she said she didn't know.




  1. seeing as mccains first wife was a ex-model, present wife is a ex- beauty pageant , and sarah palin is an ex-beauty pageant, what would think McChimp is gonna do?  He hired her to be his mistress like how he  cheated on his first wife so many times

  2. Obviously she has been, since that was one of her conditions of accepting the job if it were offered her.  

  3. I think McCain has explained that her primary duties will be scrubbing floors and serving coffee.

  4. Does Obama know what a US Senator does yet ?  Out a total of 12,505 days in office he has spent a whopping grand total of 147 days actually serving the people of his state and this nation!   So i dont think in roughly 5 months that Obama could have actually learned all about what it takes to be a US Senator or a President now could he.

  5. She'll probably have to go to an orientation for a day like any new hire to find out things like who makes the coffee, where the toilet is, and whether she has to buy her own shotgun or not.

  6. Her job is to stand there looking pretty and wave. Now that she has experience at.

  7. Should McCain's campaign be successful, it is highly doubtful that the senator would ever allow Palin to confer with him and his cabinet about vital issues.  However, according to Fox, Palin does have foreign policy experience since her state of Alaska is in close proximity to Russia.

  8. Do you really think Obama has a clue about even running a McDonald's, let alone, the White House?

    Did you see the tape?  She was quite assertive and demonstrably demure on being asked about the VP position, not, inquiring what a VP does, as your question implies.

    I'd trust Palin before Obama, any time.

  9. I think McCain chose Sarah Palin because he knows he won't win anyway and quite clearly as an act of defiance to his opponent.

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