
Has Sarah Palin ever been a member of the Alaska Independence Party?

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What do her voter registration records say?




  1. just ask Mc Magic, Mc Puff Puff the manchurian candidate

    NOT everything improves with age.

  2. Does it matter?

  3. Well, we know that she attended their convention in 1994 and the article I read said that she "switched" to being a Republican when she ran for Mayor of Wasillla.

    It's interesting also that if you read a lot of her quotes, she seems to believe in the "Alaska First" motto.  When she was first announced as the VP candidate she did an interview with an Alaska paper and all of her answers were how great this will be for ALASKA!

    It's interesting also that the AIP has as one of it's strategies to infiltrate the Democratic and Republican parties.  Hmmm.

  4. yes she has....

  5. Yes she has but the die hard republicans will deny it.

  6. Yes, she was a member in 1994, at the national level it is affiliated with the conservative Constitution party.  Sarah Palin registered Republican in 1996.  She has a very impressive resume, and conservatives as well as independents and moderates find her a welcome change from the Washington as usual policies.


  7. Yes, she was, until very recently, a member of that secessionist party.

    Scary, isn't it?

  8. Yes

    And not only that, she's still an Alaskan Supremacist saying in 2008 Alaskans are better than other Americans.

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