
Has Sarah Palin ever traveled off the North American Continent?

by Guest55950  |  earlier

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If so where and when? :D




  1. Has JOHN MCCAIN ever had any executive experience?  Obama & McCain are tied here.  What has McCain run except a political career?  He graduated fourth from bottom of his class.  Face it, Palin is ridiculous.

  2. she's been busy making things happen in Alaska which was what she sworn in to at least she takes her duties seriously.  We'll let Obama do the traveling with his camera crew and only go where the cameras are allowed in.  

  3. she was in kuwait visiting the troops just a few months ago.

  4. Yes. There are photos of her visiting US troops in Kuwait.

  5. no, her only shot was at winning that Miss Alaska pageant...

  6. Sarah Palin has been to Kuwait - once - to visit Alaska National Guard Troops. In fact, it was her first and only visit outside the US and required her to get her first US Passport.  Why does this matter if she isn't running for President as one person posted? Wake UP! This woman is a heartbeat away from the Presidency with a 72 year old 2x Cancer patient standing in the middle. She is woefully inexperienced as a small-time Governor with 2 years experience and before that - mayor of a town of 8,500 people. Furthermore, McCain insults all woman by inviting a anti-choice (in all instances), pro-gun, inexperienced person on the ticket who he met - wait for it - ONCE - before asking her to be on the ticket. He saw the amazing Obama speech Thursday and the excitement it generated and panicked big time. This reeks of desperation and is an insult to thinking women everywhere!

  7. "Palin visits a wounded soldier in Landstuhl, Germany, July 2007"

    See picture under the Governorship section:

  8. yeah... I saw her in Iraq or somewhere with the troops in a video...

    wonder how much she's been in DC?

  9. Kuwait and some other country, I forgot.

  10. Has Barak Obama ever had any executive experience? Sarah Palin has run a city and a state. Barak has run a foundation he forgets, forgets he met numerous times with William Ayers, a confirmed terrorist, and can't account for the failure and money spent when he did run the Woods Foundation. Barak wants to be President, but has no foreign relations experience and no executive experience. Your mind may be made up already, but I'd think that is important information to have when making an informed choice.

  11. She not running for President. Besides, it is a silly thing when you think about it. If i had loads of money I would like to travel to some places. Not a factor in this election. Not a factor between the veep candidates. She is a reformer and anti old boy club, that will make her the winner.

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