
Has Scrabble become obsolete in the world of Internet junkies?

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Call me crazy but I could go for an intense game of scrabble...maybe strip Scrabble...yes it does exist.




  1. Ewwwwa

  2. Nooo!!!! Check many colleges and universities. When your want to have a good time but not those hard core stuff like discos, many studies play board games with scrabble being the most played. May it is to test their intelligence or something.

    But trust me, scrabble will never became obsolete. Mark my words

  3. Actually, my family LOVES to play Scrabble !!  Great for practicing English skills.

    Though, since it's a family game there's no stripping !!

  4. Hi Nikki

      We still play scrabble with the board, but I will admit not as frequently as we used to. I have been looking to purchase Super Scrabble.

      As for strip scrabble, I never thought of that. Good idea!!

  5. No way!  I love Scrabble, and I wouldn't mind being taught strip Scrabble.  *hint hint*

  6. Somewhere around 500 players just played in the National Scrabble Championship a couple of weeks ago in Orland Florida,

    There are Scrabble tournaments taking place virtually every weekend of the year Scrabble cruises, , school Scrabble clubs and even a a National School Scrabble Championship, for fourth-thru eighth graders.

    Actually internet Scrabble has made live Scrabble MORE popular on the club and tournaments scene.  I am a director of a National Scrabble Association Club in Minneapolis and almost all newcomers mention playing on the computer.

    Scrabbler is most definitely alive and well!  


  8. Scrabble has become more available to internet users as board games are just not being part of family entertainment as they used to because both parents are working just to pay the rent and buy the groceries and high fashion school clothes. offers it's own version of the game as do other game room sites found on the net.  Until now, when I am too old for "strip" games, had never thought there would be a "naked truth" edition, but students don't change all that much in the passage of generations and in my day we saw strip poker replace playing doctor.  Cards, runes and fortune telling may no longer require physical "tools" because of  internet access and there are probably sites for Ghost and other hand me down word games as well.

  9. There are so many variations to the game most games sites have it. Remember Scrabble is a trademark name and can not be used in conjunction unless permission is given, which costs money. Yahoo has a version called Literati which you can play for fun or for rankings. Hope this helps.

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