
Has Sean Penn played row, row, row your boat in Iowa?

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If not, why not? Don't the people in Iowa deserve the same amount of rowboating help as the people in New Orleans and the Gulf Coast? What would make them different in Mr. Penn's mind?




  1. Sean Penn is a self-righteous joke these days.

  2. Not enough film crews for Sean Penn to get involved.

    The day we find out that some Hollywood type go to help regular people in crisis because someone saw  them and reported what they were doing ANONYMOUSLY  and not because they bring their own film crews along to capture their "heroic" efforts is the same day I would actually believe that any of them cared about the real people and not just the hype.

  3. Don’t expect the Left in Hollywood, politics, journalism or academia to react to the flooding in MidWest the way they reacted to that in Louisiana. Simply stated: there’s no profit in it. For the Left to take an interest in a victim group that group must be capable of generating political capital. Those in Louisiana, unlike those in the MidWest are not viewed by Dems as representatives of a viable political mascot group. They may in fact be Dems themselves but they lack the look necessary and the victim status that justifies massive Leftist empathy. MidWesterners have not sat idly by and allowed the circumstances in which they found themselves to make them worse. They have not behaved like helpless victims incapable and unwilling to act in their own interests. They will never qualify for the Hurricane Katrina standard response.

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