
Has Shaun Alexander formerly of the NFL Seahawks been picked up by another team?

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Has Shaun Alexander formerly of the NFL Seahawks been picked up by another team?




  1. No because he's asking for to much cashola,he looks like a limp chicken running,can't break any tackles and just generally sucks  .

  2. Shaun Alexander wasn't that good.  The defenses they played in his GOOD year were not very good, and his offensive line was really good.  But since he had to be stupid and go on the cover of Madden....i mean why dont ppl understand that once they r on Madden they r ******.

    hey Michael Vick u wanna be on Madden?

    -Uh, yea sure why not

    3 years later, hey Michael Vick u wanna get ur phone call.

    -uhm, can i save it for my 6th month in jail???

  3. none. I would assume that he is asking for too much green

  4. CFL Roughriders

  5. No.  I don't think any teams feel he can make a contribution proportional to the amount they would have to pay him.  Running backs typically have a very short lifetime in the NFL.

  6. no, not that i heard of. he would probably make a good fullback for a team in need though.

    maybe the chargers should pick him up for the loss of lorenzo neal?

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