
Has Sirius/Xm merged yet? If not, then when?

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Has Sirius/Xm merged yet? If not, then when?




  1. they have not merged yet and its looking like it might not happen. the Nationa assc. of broascasters has been bribing a lot of people on capitol hill to stop this merger because they are scared, that this merger will bassicly make mainstream raido go the way of AM radio. I honestly cant stand normal raido anymore and cant wait till satalite radio burrys them once and for all

    here are 2 good articles regarding the merger

  2. Nope they havent. There is still major controversy with the FCC getting involved. The only way they are going to be able to merge is if another satellite provider comes along. Howards Stern I guess has been talking about it alot though. When they first talked about it they said the stations would start switching over last November, but it never happened. If a merger were to occur its not going to be anytime soon.

    If it helps this website also follows what goes on in regards to it:

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