
Has Stephenie Meyer made?

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Has Stephenie Meyer made any comments on the meaning of the book cover for Breaking Dawn?

Also i like to read twilight stories on fanfiction does anyone know how to get a story on alert?




  1. I went to her Breaking Dawn tour in Seattle on Tuesday and she said that the white queen represents Bella as a vampire - cold, pale, and the strongest piece on the board. The red pawn represents Bella as a human - the weakest player. The chess board represents the strategy and mental game at the end of the book with the Volturi.

  2. Em yes I think the red pawn represents Bella in her human state but the white queen when she becomes a vampire . . .  

  3. Yes.

    She said the chess pieces are Bella. The red pawn for when Bella was weak and unable to help much. The white piece (sorry, I don't know my chess pieces very well) is Bella after she became a vampire; strong, fast, and very powerful.

    And I don't quite understand your second question. Sorry :(

  4. i heard that the red pawn represented bella as a human, small, frail and full of blood and that the white queen is bella as a vampire, white (as in pale) and drained of blood and also standing tall and powerful as a queen! x

  5. Lol, if you searched your question you would have figured it out. The red pawn represents Bella as a human and the queen is Bella as a vampire. The chess board is like the metaphor of the journey to change.

  6. Yes, she did. Here they are...

    "So this cover has kind of two things going on. One is a metaphor for the entire series because you have Bella going from being the weakest player on the board to being the most powerful one. So that’s the main meaning, that’s what I wanted to have on there. Then I also the feeling of a chess game because I knew that the end of the story was not going to be a great big huge battle scene. This was a court scene. This was maneuvering and having your plans and I thought that was really suited to chess so that was another reason I like that metaphor."

    To answer your second question, when you click the "To submit a review" button, click the bar next to it and there will be about four or five different options. Click the "add to story alert" one. You'll need a account for that.

    ❀ M ❀

  7. the cover represents bella going from the weakest player on the board to the strongest. it also simbalizes the mental game they played at the end of the book with the vulturi.

    to get a story alert you have to have an accont on fanfiction then you go to the bottom where is says "submitt review" click on the drop down menu and one of the opions will be "add story to story alert"

  8. The red pawn stands for bella as a small incapable blood human, and the White queen stands for bella as a superior force with no blood

  9. the red piece is for when bella still has blood running through her and the whit piece is for when she is a vampire

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