
Has Taiwan's DPP become a fraud gang - unintentionally?

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The former president Chen Shui Bian is considered a crook by the majority of the population. His past actions reveal that he has used lies and deceptions to achieve political goals and personal gains. Yet the DPP has supported him through thick and thin. Has DPP become a fraud gang unintentionally?




  1. Has the KMT got a history of intimidation, murder, robbery, heroin peddling and drug laboratory creation in other Asian countries? --Intentionally (in its history)?

    Basically the reason China wants Taiwan back so much is the cowards who ran away previously went back with their factories and cash from all the moronic junkies in USA to make China what it is now in the familiar scorched earth, sacrifice all for cash style that got Taiwan rich fast... and now is paying for in the long run.

    The same triad representatives that ran Taiwan before, now own China, but unintentionally lost much of their influence here in their focus to grab the larger resource areas available there over the last 20 years. Now the puppet Ma is in, and the uncritical electorate probably will keep him in long enough to be the last democratically elected president. Perhaps some form of enlightened peaceful political change will reach the PRC's system but it doesn't appear to have made a dent in the bully methodology yet.

    Will Taiwanese people notice any difference from previous decades? probably not. Traditional 'Chinese' thought cant appear to get past strongman rule by the looks of it. I dont think that many young Taiwanese follow tradition very faithfully, fortunately.

    Chen was just following a trend set by the past presidents over the last century, That doesn't make it right, The DPP membership probably wasn't in on it, except at the top levels, and his own family he sold out early on.

    It probably would be healthier for the DPP to Split in the long run, so the die hard independance extremists and Chen idolators can be separated from the more electable centrists. Perhaps that will cost some elections initially for the extremists, which would be a healthy thing...

    but at least the members of each group can feel they are united behind their own vision for the future of Taiwan. It also can start to provide a more meaningful choice for voters if the governments need to learn to work together to get anything done. If they would stand behind their beliefs here (and anywhere) perhaps the world would be a better place.

    Truthfully, with the debacle of Bush and 'moral majoritarianism' in America its hard to be able to say how wonderful democracy is with a straight face. But at least you can say he is out after 8 years, to be replaced by a new, shiny, sock puppet with a different cadre of puppet masters. (or if a miracle happens, an older, currently apparently cleaner, but essentially the same slightly off odor of sock puppet being run by the same leaders as before.)  

  2. Look, even though I'm a KMT supporter. CSB was the only DPP president so far, of course DPP would support him. But he was stupid enough to be corrupt. There are still many DPP that can be trusted, some old guard DPP and a few new ones.

  3. Ajeet pretty much nailed it.

    However calling the DPP a "fraud gang" (whether intentional or unintentional) is too much.  If the DPP is a fraud gang, then what does that make the KMT?  And if you really want to hitch the action of Chen and drag the DPP down, then I think in all fairness we should hitch the brutal actions of CKS to the KMT.

    That however is just a side note as all political parties should strive to be clean and walk the moral high road.  Chen has come out and admitted to it- so lets let the law take it's course and refrain from labeling an entire party for the actions of one of its members.

  4. Not necessarily -

    One has to also check on how the Previous Presidents dispersed  their expenses/contribution e.t.c. i.e. LTH, CCK and CKS. Since there was no precedence I think CSB just followed what previous guys did.

    It is important for the KMT to open up expenditure related files of the previous Presidents.

    I think CSB made a big mistake  in this - I also do not understand how he could not know of this transfer especially it being of such A Large amount.

    I have to say I am a bit dissapointed in him as I am a CSB supporter.The DPP has actually been good for the Country.

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