
Has The Size of a Bic Mac changed over the last 10 years?

by  |  earlier

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I think so.




  1. It is almost the size of their sausage biscuit now LOL!!!

  2. yes, i think it is larger.

  3. yeah it got smaller like the rest of the McDonalds food, back in the day Burger King tasted better, now it taste nasty, the chili from Weinerschnizel was good but now YUK!!!

  4. Probally got smaller

  5. Either it's got smaller or I've got bigger.   One or the other. Hmmm.

  6. I remember when the big mac was a meal. 20 years ago.

  7. smaller

  8. Yeah, I think so.....

    The qt definite  seems smaller.......

  9. All restraunts have gained20% in size [John Tesh]

  10. yea

  11. I think so too. I barely used to be able to finish one. Plus I can hold it in one hand, easily, and I have small hands - I don't think I used to be able to.

    Still need two hands for a Whopper!

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