
Has Tiger Woods become glib and cocky to the point of bordering on being unlikeable?

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Aside from his annoying I can win 70 tournaments in a row attitude, his crack about the NHL was insulting to hockey fans and players alike, many of whom are avid golfers. You would think that a professional "athlete" like Tiger would have enough respect for other professional athletes not to rip their sport and talk about "nobody watching it." Opinions?




  1. he's one person, who cares about his opinion on hockey...or any other subject for that matter!

  2. everyone is always gonna love Tiger. it was just his opinion lets not take it too seriously

  3. Nope,  But that is exactly what all the hockey players did a few years back, basically ruining the NHL.  Those greedy b******s though they should be making the same $$$ the NFL, Baseball, and NBA players make when the demand for hockey wouldnt support those kind of salaries.  Hate to break it to you hockey fans, but outside of Canada, there is not that much interest in Hockey.  Their salaries should mimick the WNBA.

  4. He said nothing offensive.  I can't believe some writer tried to make an issue out of it and people are biting.  So very sad.

  5. No, I dont see your point at all.  Tiger is not my favorite player but he is a likeable guy.  I've never him sound arrogant.  Extremely confident and self assured, yes, very.  Tiger gets a hard time from a lot of people for not taking a stance on things and he says one little ha ha comment about hockey and now he is getting fileted for it.  Now everyone knows why he typically just doesnt voice an opinion on anything.  And no hockey fan would be offended if they didnt know it was true.

  6. I think he just misspoke. People do that sometimes. It's part of being human. & while it was kinda rude it's nothing to make a big deal about. I don't think he's cocky at all. Not compared to Charles Barkley, Shaq, TO, or Kobe. People knock golf all the time. And you guys need to unknot your boxers he was just asking a question. Men! Geez! =)

  7. Tiger should know better than to make the comment about hockey that he did.  Because of who he is it will get scrutinized and blown out of proportion.  But the fact is here merely stated an opinion that most people in this country agree with.  Just look at the ratings...the 2007 Stanley Cup Finals averaged a Nielsen rating of 1.6 for the games on network TV last year.  Compare that to the 8.6 that the final round of the 2008 Masters received (which is on the is usually closer to 10.0).  I, in fact, disagree with him and enjoy hockey, but I can understand his perspective on the sport as it is the perspective most people have.  He said nothing derogatory regarding the talent level or skill it takes to play hockey.  He just said he doesn't care and doesn't think people watch hockey anymore.

    As for his overall attitude...I don't have any problem.  He is arguably the greatest golfer ever and I would expect him to have the attitude that he should win every tournament he enters.  If you really listen to him talk after a round or a tournament he is probably one of the most gracious winners or losers your ever gonna find.  He never has anything negative to say about any opponents.  He just talks about what he needs to do to be better.  He may be the classiest superstar athlete I've ever seen.

  8. How many of you people have any talent to brag about other than the ability to criticize, which incidentally, takes no talent at all. So TW doesn't care for hockey. Leave it up to a sports writer who has probably less talent then the critics, to find a clue for a story. And we wonder why the printed media no longer has credibility !! Look no further than statements like this.

  9. im a hockey fan and tiger is a d.i.c.k i liked golf before untill about 3 min ago when i found out about this. Now i HATE it, all ill let you know golf will go down in popularity because alot of hockey fans actually like golf and alot of hockey players and fans   play or playED golf but the PGA is screwed now, that was uncalled for and s***w golf!!!! there are many hockey fans outraged by this and what did we do to golf to deserve this, Tiger may be able to talk @$#% but now that he did it he is probably sucking his thumb and crying for help because he's gonna get @#%^ed up.

  10. What is this hoopla regarding a single comment?  Jeez, get a life people, he made a less than diplomatic comment, get over it, and move on.  I agree that his comments are perhaps not the smartest thing to say, but you know how hard it is to be diplomatic at all times when your life is under scrutiny 24/7.  Everybody is allowed some moments of weakness in the life.

  11. Get over it!  This is getting real old.

    1. It's his opinion (Like you have never had an opinion about something or have been cocky about something you can do better than others) and sorry to say this but Tiger is at a level where he deserves to be cocky.  What have u ever done in your life to even come close to Tigers achievements on and off the course?  You know if anything it's the fans that ruin a sport and if everyone that liked hockey is like you god help us.  I have not heard one pro hockey player lash back at tiger it's just the fans that got butt hurt.

    2.  Are you that sensitive and insecure.  Who cares what he thinks, all that really matters is what you think.

    Golf gets ragged on all the time and if a public figure like Kobe Braynt came out and said the same thing about golf that Tiger said about Hockey, I would not even care.  I love the game of golf so much that my opinion is the only one that matters, I would not like Kobi any less because he is great at what he does.  I just cant expect everyone or anyone to have the same opinions as I do.

  12. Anything to pick on Tiger. Like i said in questions similar to this, he could give millions of dollars to charity (which he does) and people find fault with it. Leave him alone already, im sick of people saying this.  Bottom line: He's the best golfer there is, therefore people like you hate him for it.

  13. When you get as good as Tiger it's not glib or cocky. Muhammed Ali was always saying I'm the greatest. And during his time he was. What makes you the Great Jonesini? Is that cocky? Or is it brag? Are you a legend in your own mind?

    Tiger right now IS the best out there at playing golf. But you don't hear him blowing his own horn. Is it glib or cocky if the rest of the world would like to be able to play golf like you. Ask any Pro golfer who's game they would like to have, theirs or Tigers, and you won't hear one say theirs.

    Maybe he doesn't like hockey? So? BFD! *LOL* Hockey fans only go to see the fights.

  14. take alook at this it is funny


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