
Has Tmac lost his explosiveness ?

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He has started taking too many tough shots, and not attacking the rim more. He use to be one of the best when he put it all out there, Tmac can still put up big numbers but I think he has to start playing like his old self if he wants to play great.

Rockets can still be a big threat




  1. The number of injuries he went through at this point of his career, he'll never be at his prime ever again but he can still be a major threat. And when he does attack the basket, he's still one of the best out there.

  2. He probably has lost some, but he's a wiser player now and he can pick up more points by being more of a spot up shooter to save energy for defense, etc. which he'll now play more of since Ron Artest is on the team now.

  3. He hasn't lost it he is afraid of injuring his back or something. I like tracy but there are match ups that he could easily drive to the basket and be very aggresive( Utah). he really wasn't a explosive in the sense, he just attacked the basket more.

    But also with Yao in the paint all the time it is going to be hard for him to drive without having to face the toughness waiting on him

  4. Yes, a long time ago.  However, he is still a great player and will most likely make the Hall of Fame.

  5. No, his knees still explode on a regular basis...

  6. yes

  7. no..tmac has not lost his explosiveness...the reason why he doesnt get so many points is cuze he passes the ball to much.   <unselfish>.........

    oh yah..i forgot injuries..too many

  8. What up SteveYaoMac,

    Tracy is streaky-- when he's on the guy is tough to stop!  But there are times where he settles for too many jumpers and turn-arounds.  i saw enough Rockets games to see that he still has his explosiveness although i noticed that once Yao went down- Tracy was a little more hesitant to drive to the basket.  It could be that once Yao went down- Tracy was a bit hesitant especially as he was coming back from a series of injuries.  

    You would have thought he would have drove more too- because Yao being out actually opens up more lanes.  

    i think Tracy still can- but with Yao maybe he thinks he's the outside and Yao is the inside.  i think T. Mac still has some gas left in the tank- and it was actually good to see him healthy.  With the Artest acquistion there is no reason he won't get out of the first round this year- barring any injuries.


  9. Injury's and age does that to a player!!

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