
Has Triple H tarnished his legacy by using his influence to get himself over?

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Im not taking anything away from hunter, he is an awesome wrestler but you cant deny deny that he has used his influence back stage to push himself over the guys who needed the push more than him. Also he has this knack for burying young up and coming talents. How will his legacy stand in comparison to HBK's and Taker's?




  1. He'll never compare to HBK or Taker IMO...he's just another Larry Zybsko

  2. HUnter is a 12 time champion, and he has kept that championship due to the fact that he is married to the bosses daughter. but as we all know wrestling is ENTERTAINMENT, just as soap operas are entertainment.  You can't believe that HBK and Taker have been deprived of any acolades due to Hunters influence.  If you believe that wrestling is real you need to step back and take a count of your life,  It is nothing but show.  ALl three follow the script that they are given. And all three will end up in the hall of fame

  3. ...His legacy is using his power to get himself over. He would never have been anything in the first place if not for his association with HBK.

    To the casual fan and even many smarks, no, he'll still be seen in the same light as HBK and Taker. To me, he's not in their league.

  4. No way  He is good overall so he deserves what he can earned and he has faced lots of people for it like in 2000 against Mick Foley

  5. HHH will always be branded as someone that used backstage powers to get himself over.

    It actually overshadows the fact that he's a pretty good overall performer.

  6. Without a doubt. Lets start with the fact that even though he has backstage power, he still is the best wrestler that is active today. Anything a wrestler is asked to do, Triple H can do it, and he can do it better than pretty much anyone. Sure, hes a 12x world champion, but people forget what he has done to get there. h**l in a Cell(No Way Out 2000 against Mick Foley, Street Fight at Royal Rumble 2000 against Mick Foley, countless elimination chambers, and other gimmick matches from 1996-2008) To this day he is still battering his body in matches the guys he doesn't want to put over done even want to do.(without getting a lot of money)

    Sure, it will tarnish his legacy, then people will watch his matches, and DVDs about him, and realize what he did in front of the curtain made him who he was way more than what he did behind it did.  

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