
Has Tv,Media,Newpapers,Etc really turned out to be mind control?

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Why are only certain things brodcast at certain times if not.Shouldn't the American Public be told the truth about everything and I mean everything! It seems that only what is told is believed. The truth is much deeper than one could even phathom.We should be prepared and not scared.God bless us all.




  1. Good grief," yes" Geez, I'm glad some one else brought that up. The media has everyone following them around by the nose hairs. people get up in the morning flip on the set just to see what the media is saying and they believe every word. I can't turn on my set, without CNN or Fox  or any of the other worthless news stations and not hear something about one of the president hopefulls. I mean is it really right that they are doing the campaining for them. They never say anything good. Even about the war. Sure they give a body count every morning. But do they say anything good about whats really happening over there. About the kids that now play outside or the women out working or just plain not afraid anymore. No, they just tell you what they want. Its all tabloid.

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